Monday, December 31, 2007

F: Is for farewells

As we get ready to say good-bye to 2007 and welcome in 2008 most of us are making our resolutions to a better life. Miniature promises of how we can fail. Ironically we do this twice a year, now and at lent setting ourselves up for failure. My quest for understanding the resolution list started with a Jenny Craig's commercial, where Valerie Bertinelli tearfully states, she never has to put losing weight on her list again. It is a tragic commentary on our value system and how we equate self esteem with lower scale numbers. Don't get me wrong, I am just as guilty. Even when I was underweight I wished to be just 5 more pounds lighter. The saying,"You can never be to rich or to thin" was drilled into my head at a very young age. I sometimes think I learned that before the alphabet. Maybe if our resolutions were geared towards others we would accomplish more ourselves. What if we set our list to give instead of get? How can we fail then? I enclose the list of the top 10 promises in hopes to shed some light. I am adding my own solutions.

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends: This is a win, win situation. They say stress causes most diseases. Why not plan a hot chocolate day with a friend who is on your mind when it snows? A spa date with your mom or sister?
2. Fit in Fitness: How many museums have you been to? We live in a city of wondrous art, catch some culture and expand your mind as you exercise those limbs.
3. Tame the Bulge: Try the think of"The Others Diet". When you have the urge to buy that pint of Ben and Jerry's put the money into a fund to support your favorite charity. You pants will slide off your hips as you give cheerfully giving to yourself.
4. Quit Smoking: See the above.
5. Enjoy Life More: This one has me stumped. To not enjoy life is to quit living. But see #2 and I can tell you by staring at the genius of someone's creativity, the universe opening wide or the past there right in front of you, you will see life happening.
6. Quit Drinking: See #'s 2 & 4
7. Get Out of Debt: Live a cash only life. Keep a change jar and use it to pay off a credit card. Put 10% of what you make away until New Years Eve. Don't count it and you'll be surprised.
8. Learn Something New: I learned how to make web sites this year and the joy of that accomplishment has had me accomplishing my next goal of turning this into an on-line magazine. By learning something new you are able to move forward.
9. Help Others: This doesn't take money. Have you ever just walked down the street and wished people you didn't know "Hello"? I have and the smiles you get are worth stepping out of your safety zone. Kindness to others sometimes helps heal a world more than cash.
10. Get Organized: By taking things in small amounts we can accomplish the greatest of things.

As I say good-bye to 2007 and say Hello to 2008 I welcome you to the newest leg of the xplorefacts journey. 2008 is a year of new beginnings may yours be what you wish and may you make them a F.A.C.T.

Friday, December 28, 2007

S: Is for social equality for all

The time is ticking down and we are winding up the celebrations of one birth to a universal birth. I am pleased to announce that starting January 1, 2008 xplorefacts moves from a blog to an on-line newspaper. We will still keep this blog going but when you type you will be directed to a brand new site. That was always our dream for this endeavor. We hope you will continue to follow us on this journey of demystifying.

Before the ball drops and I make my list I wanted to show you something that I have known about for a long time. The origin of its formation may turn some of you off but it's ironic that a religion that most people put down still keeps Human Rights at its forefront. I am not a Scientologist but I do believe in this declaration and the work that they do on this subject. In October there was a conference in Los Angles, addressing global human rights and education. Key-note speaker Mr. Enzo di Taranto, the Coordinator of Action II, United Nations global human rights initiative, focused on human trafficking, a worldwide epidemic that now effects an estimated 29 million. I present to you our rights.

#1: We Are All Born Free & Equal
#2: Don't Discriminate
#3: The Right to Life
#4: No Slavery
#5: No Torture
#6: You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go
#7: We're All Equal Before the Law
#8: Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law
#9: No Unfair Detainment
#10:The Right to Trial
#11 We're Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty
#12:The Right to Privacy
#13:Freedom to Move
#14:The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live
#15:Right to a Nationality
#16 Marriage and Family
#17:The Right to Your Own Things
#18: Freedom of Thought
#19: Freedom of Expression
#20: The Right to Public Assembly
#21: The Right to Democracy
#22: Social Security
#23: Workers' Rights
#24: The Right to Play
#25: Food and Shelter for All
#26: The Right to Education
#27: Copyright
#28: A Fair and Free World
#29: Responsibility
#30: No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights

As you are writing out your list, may you remember that you do have rights and that is a F.A.C.T.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

T: Is for the continuation of trivia

The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer.

The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments.

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history.....Spades - King David Hearts - Charlemagne Clubs -Alexander, the Great Diamonds - Julius Caesar

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later.

Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?,,,,, Their birthplace

Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested?......Obsession

If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"?...... One thousand

What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?...... All were invented by women.

What is the only food that doesn't spoil?.....Honey

Which day are there more collect calls than any other day of the year?.....Father's Day

In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase......... "goodnight, sleep tight."

It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon.

In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them "Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down." It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's"

Many years ago in England , pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. "Wet your whistle" is the phrase inspired by this practice.

At least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow!

Don't delete this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

Our minds work in mysterious ways and it is a F.A.C.T. that we need to keep them in check.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

C: Is for the creative origins of words

The origin of words has always fascinated me. My friend Robert sent me this and I was completely absorbed in what it had to say so, I decided to save it for when I needed a column that was clever. Enjoy as you go back to work or into the city for last minuet holiday festivities.

In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have "the rule of thumb"

Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled "Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden"...and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S. Treasury.

Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

Coca-Cola was originally green.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work........Alaska

The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% (now get this...)

The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $ 16,400

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

The average number of people airborne over the U.S. in any given hour........61,000 aren't you glad your on the ground?

Continue tomorrow when the origin of words become get knowledge for trivial pursuit and that's a F.A.C.T.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A: Is for the act of Christmas

Tis Christmas and the presents are being opened, friendships re-newed and food consumed. Will we keep in our hearts the spirit of this holiday? This year unlike any other year, Christmas seems to truly not be here! Could it be that global warming has us not feeling those traditional joys? I mean where's the snow? Normally I am sick of carols by this point. I actually missed those familiar tunes droned in like elevator music gone array. Where were the lights and the street decorations that normally have blinded me as early as Halloween? Sure the major department stores invested in the spirit to tune of "Jingle bells, jingle bells lets spend the almighty buck, but were thier hearts invested. Tyler and I went to church yesterday and though massively attended, the spirit of the season was still lacking. The carols were sung like a dirge, of what was. When the service finished no greetings of "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" rang out. Ty and I started to randomly wish strangers the greetings lacking and the smiles received made us continue through out the journey of the day. Do we wish only those we know, like an oblatory play written ages long past? Christmas is about light being born, hope being given free of charge, no questions asked. It is something that should live in our hearts all year long. Maybe that's why Christmas seemed missing, our hearts have grown cold. My wish is that we stop being the Grinch and let our hearts grow 3 sizes too large. Then we can make a differnce and that is a F.A.C.T.

Merry Christmas
Suzanna and Kismet

Monday, December 24, 2007

F: is for 3,2,1 Fabulous wishes underneath the tree.

Have you already gained the obligatory 10 pounds? Is your New Year's resolution to lose them and more? Do you wish you could look better than when you were in college? #3, 2, and 1 answer those needs and more. One of the most sought-after physicians in NY, is Dr Leslie Gerstman who started Medical Aesthetics. Her boutique medical spa located at 73 Spring Street Suite 606 in SOHO serves those interested in anti-aging/preventive medicine with a Holistic approach. A board-certified physician she specializes in the art of Aesthetic Medicine while holding a certification in Holistic Medicine. Her training started in the states but for extensive tutelage she sought France's leading authority. Dr. Gerstman emphasis maximum results with minimal downtime.

#3: VelaShape is the only FDA approved laser for cellulite and localized fat reduction. The VelaShape is the more powerful offering effective results in as few as 6 sessions. VelaShape features a revolutionary combination of Bi-Polar radiofrequency, Infrared Light Energy, plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage. The combination of these energies increases lymphatic drainage and reduces the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers. VelaShape is in high demand due to the fast and effective results.

#2:The ReFirme™ Skin Tightening procedure. The above except for faces. Here is a revolutionary technology that enables you to comfortably achieve a more youthful, tightened and lifted appearance, along with wrinkle reduction, feature. ReFirm is quick, safe and has no downtime.

#1: I met Verika (#5) who fabulously tattooed my eyes and this is where she works. To enhance Verika's art , why not try eyelash extension's, the latest breakthrough's in cosmetics. Eyelash Extensions are semi-permanent extensions that will extend your eyelashes for a beautiful and natural look and feel! Perfect for special occasions or every day wear while wanting to look good as we shed those holiday pounds. To see more treatments log onto or call 212 966-3991.

Of all the gifts under my tree Verika is my favorite, hands down. We all need encouragement to be the best that we can be and it is a F.A.C.T. that we can and should play Santa to ourselves.

Friday, December 21, 2007

S: Is for becoming a shinning star

In this time of giving, I have learned from experience that a gift to an unknown person is the greatest gift of all.

#4: Becoming a shinning star to those in need.

One Christmas I was broke and depressed. I really wanted to do something for someone else to get into the holiday spirit. I found a teenage AIDS house where the teenagers and their babies all had AIDS. I had this collection of stuffed animals collecting dust. I called my friend Belinda and we went to the dollar store and got diaries, candles and made cookie trays. We went to the home to deliver the gifts and low and behold the gift that made the biggest impression, were the stuffed animals. The reason: they weren't going to have enough time to love the toys enough. The girls were so grateful, I knew I made a difference.
To be honest the feeling of joy that I had done something for somebody else has stayed with me all these years. I went back every holiday after that, when I lived in the area. By the next Christmas only one girl still lived. The workers told me most of the girls kept the stuffed animals with them till the end. I tell you this because we never know how we touch others lives or how they've touched ours. Here's how you too can make a difference.

We're going through global warming and though it hasn't been that cold, warmth is a need. Most of us have a coat in our closet that is just collecting dust. Here's a way to make some room and lighten your heart.

New York Cares Coat Drive through December 31. Tens of thousands of New Yorkers are forced to make a choice between buying a winter coat and putting food on the table. You can help by donating your coats. Here is the website

Every year David Barton throws a party at his gym for kids with AIDS and St. Jude's Research Hospital, the admission is a toy. This years party has already been held but you can still donate at 215 West 23rd Street.

You can randomly pay for someone's bus or subway ride. I've done this a couple of times and the smiles are a definite. When your making your cookie trays think of the homeless, they weren't always. We can become angles in each others lives and that is a F.A.C.T.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

T: Is for Total Treatment

My favorite gift is one that was just given to me, though I had done it before. This time however it was an artist named Verika who came and showed me heaven on earth.

#5: The gift of giving to self.

One of the biggest industries that consumers spend their money on is make-up. I am completely inapt when it comes to putting it on, which is sad when you think about it. When I finally do wear it I either sweat it off, rub it off or cry it off. What if you could wake-up and look fresh? Come out of the pool and look radiant? What if when you woke up sick you could look like Camille? Two and half years ago while I was in Provincetown my friend Christina introduced me to semi- permanent make-up, a non-surgical method of applying eyeliner and full lip color that lasts for about two years. My upper lip is non existent and people always want to line it and even then it's only, ok. After the application I actually had people come up to me and tell me how beautiful my mouth was. The confidence and the joy of over coming something to me that had always been a flaw was exhilarating. Two weeks ago I realized the freshness and the original application was gone and I looked run down. I was telling my friend how much for Christmas what I wanted was to re-due the semi- permanent make-up, but Christina was in Florida.

Suddenly the angel of wishes brought me to Verika and my wish came true. Verika is an artist whose craft was honed in Switzerland under Fabrice. She made my eyes open up and pop while at the same time looking natural. Unless I told you, you would never know that I was not born like this. There are people who are adamantly against enhancing what we came into this earth with. I for one am not one of those people. I have always thought of myself as the canvas that through my eyes I get to create. Verika is like Michelangelo and now I know how those who saw the Sistine Chapel felt. Confidence comes from within but it doesn't hurt to like what you see.

Verika makes this procedure comfortable explaining everything before it happens. I am deathly afraid of needles and she calmed my fears and put me at ease. The pigment itself is all natural. Working in a serene and and immaculate environment run by . Dr. Leslie Gerstman at Medical-Aesthetics and can be contacted at 212 966-3991. Look for Monday's column for more about this medi-spa because it is a mecca of gifts to wish for. Verika made this treatment the perfect wish. To learn more about Verika and semi-permanent make-up log onto We are in a day and age were we can be the women and men we want to be and Verika makes that a F.A.C.T.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

C: Is for that creative touch

It's getting down to the wire and most people are stressed.

#6: The French imagination.
I had an appointment the other day in Soho. I was running just a little bit late but when I passed this store I had to stop in. It was so bright and cheerful, it beckoned to me and I followed the luring objects to a place of magical creativity. The French company Pylones makes the most interesting, fun & useable gadgets. With clever inventing & implementation, this genius company has made a fan out of me.

Don’t mistake this whimsically patterned Pylones Mini Refrigerator for a toy! It is big enough for a few sodas, or a late night snack. It is without a doubt insanely cute and a must for your bedroom to satisfy you or your lovers late night cravings! This small personal refrigerator does it's job as well as its big counterpart. The only difference is that they can be taken wherever you need. Into the car, to work, sailing or where ever you can imagine. You use it with an AC or DC power supply. It is not only a mini fridge but you can also use it to keep things warm, for example milk for a baby. Pep up your room or office utility décor and also your appetite for just $130.

Cleaning got you down? How about their adorable Dust Pan Set or an airplane baby spoon, the imagination of this French company is boundless. For every picky human or animal on your list, to every person you want to impress, this store has it all. With three locations in NY it also makes it convenient. 842 Lexington, 61 Grove and 8 Grand Central Terminal. Log onto Finally there is a one-stop shopping experience that is unique, creative and can supply your entire needs and that is a F.A.C.T.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A: Is for Capturing the Magic

Part of the magic of Christmas are the memories we capture on film.
#7's wish: A photographer with an eye to see into the essence of our being. Photographer, film maker and documentarist Sven Ruben Lindahl has the depth of character to look beyond the superficial. He visualizes through the eye of an explorer, open to every moment of change, and the underlying truths to be told. Originally from Stockholm, he started working for Swedish Television in 1992, shooting everything that came his way. From news breaking stories to rock video's and everything in between, finally running the production company Area 51Film. At the moment 51film has two projects in New York and one in Mongolia. To see clips go to and click movies (View under "N.Y.C Projects"). Make sure that you view "The House" as it is visually stunning and executes his cinematography to a haunting level. I thrill at discovering a new artist no matter what the medium. Watch out Peter Pau, Conrad Hal, or Albert Maysels, there's a new kid on the block and he is passionate and ready to shed some light and capture the moments.
Why did I put Sven under the tree? Because he does portraits (head shots), shoots music video's, corporation video's and much more. Before he gets to hot like a Annie Liebowitz or a Richard Avedon now is your chance to capture a moment in time and that is a F.A.C.T.

Monday, December 17, 2007

F: is for the gifts of food, friendship and the fusion that fuels our lives.

The count down continues with 10, 11, and 12 gifts to get and give.

# 10: Food glorious food is what you will be chirping when you visit the chicken and rib joint on the UWS. As you enter, the smell is so intoxicating your mouth starts to water. I started with the pita which is warmed on the BBQ. Who knew, a pita could taste so good! The mashed potato's are real and the ribs were delectable, melting in your mouth with each bite. I was in the throes of pork-induced delight. Chirping Chicken is a bargain as well. I paid $8.29 for all of this. The portions are large, so I came home with a rib and 1/2 the mash potato's and the salad which I finished the next day with the same satisfied response. For those holiday parties or cuddling under the tree for $11 dollars you can get a full chicken. I have turned so many of my friends onto this wonderful haunt where comfort food is unsurpassed. Here is the address and website so you to can check it out: Chirping Chicken: 350 Amsterdam Ave off 77th In a city where everything seems so expensive and service, fresh food and quality seem a thing of the past it is reassuring to know that establishments like this exist. Check this out and you too will be oohing and ahhing and finger licking.

#9: Friendships are a gift from the universe that expand our lives and make us grow. Sometimes people come into our lives to help us and sometimes it is so we can help them. It isn't till the end that we find out the truth of why somebody was in our lives and why we were in theirs. I have always been blessed to have a diverse group of friends. They have gotten me through many harsh and trying situations and have always been there for me unconditionally. I am not always the best friend but I am a loyal one. Friendship is like a garden you have to tend it, water it, feed it and prune it and when the seasons have passed you see the fruit of your labor and realize it was tending you. May you be blessed by the friendships in your lives.

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."
- Anais Nin

We are in a time of connection, which is odd considering all the mis-communications. We all have faults, idiosyncrasies and flaws that make us unique, special....human. Let us cherish and learn from all those that cross our paths.

#8: Fusion to the palate and a gift to bring your friends. Now, how do you cleanse you palate in between those courses to savor the next item? How do you end a perfect meal? Wine Cellar Sorbet. The flavors: Three reds: a 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon from California, a 2005 Pinot Noir from New York and a non-vintage Sangria from Spain, Two whites: a a non-vintage Champagne from California and a 2004 Riesling from New York and one blush wine: a non-vintage Rosé from New York. this is definitely not a dessert you send you kid out for. As a matter of F.A.C.T. you have to be at least 21 for their alcohol, content is up to 5% by volume. Since wine changes with each passing season, so do their sorbets. Based on the vintages, varietals and viticulture regions from where the wines were produced. Therefore each flavor is truly unique and limited in availability. To learn more of this intriguing new desert log onto:

When it comes to gifts there is nothing better than food, wine and friends and what a better way to combine them. We can not live without food. Nor will our souls be nourished without friendship and what a better way to celebrate with a dessert that has an edge. Life is to short not to cherish it and that is a F.A.C.T.

Friday, December 14, 2007

S: Singing the praises of friends

Gratefully I have had friends that accomplish amazing things for others. They step outside their own lives and problems to help a greater need. Lauri gives her time and money to help women who have been cut in Africa. Zelda and Gemma make sure there's water.

#11: I wish to offer as much to humanity as my friends and to see that life is abundant for all. I sang at the UN and on one occasion I stepped in for Gemma Bulos to sing a song she wrote called "We Rise". She was singing for Israel's Prime Minster and couldn't perform. She introduced me to Dr Emoto and did an experiment of his with school children that to this day I still share with friends. I had the chance to sing with her at a benefit for Katrina. I am not sure when we became friends but I am pleased that we are. Her organization "A Single Drop" In less than a year, has helped organizations provide safe water to over 16,000 people with in disaster ridden, conflict affected and impoverished areas. I share with you excerpts from her Christmas letter because she is a light in a darkening world.

As I write this, I'm sitting in my little nipa hut where I take bucket showers, get my water from a well or rainwater harvesting, have brownouts regurlary at least 3-4 times a week (everyday during typhoon season), clean my contaminated water through a filter I helped build (and teach others how to build) and live 10 steps away from my office where we have a staff of 8 Philippine Nationals. For me it has been a huge year of change. This year our water program just exploded in the country, and as a result, in less than a year, we have been responsible for helping provide 16,000 people with safe water in disaster ridden, conflict affected and poverty stricken areas. We won the Echoing Green Fellowship honoring our work as Social Entreprenuers with innovative ideas for social change! (oh, and I learned what a social entreprenuer was! So many lessons!) I met Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peack Laurete for the Greenbelt movement and we are partnering with her organization in Africa in the spring of 2008 to work with women and strengthening their skills as waterkeepers! You can see all the updates at, listen and download the music at So many blessings to all of you this holiday season! Those of you New Yorkers, order a sesame chicken at Empire Schezuan for me! And everyone who is close to a Chipotle, next time you have a chic think of me! Can you tell I MISS GOOD FOOD!

To joy, peace and extra guacamole

May we open our hearts this Christmas and make others a F.A.C.T

Thursday, December 13, 2007

T: Is for a Topiary Christmas

Of all my columns this was one of my favorites because not only did I learn something new but it gives back to society. I was first introduced to a polyester/ petrol wall at Marithe + Francois Girbaud's.
#12: A wall of living plants not only is it beautiful but it gives fresh oxygen to all who are in proximity. Commissioned from Musée du Quai Branly in Paris. Since global warming is an issue of great consequence, having sustainable gardens on walls offers a remedy. With our rainforest's disappearing this is a solution to the green house effect. The picture to your left is from the elevator in Bangkok’s Emporium Shopping Center. Like Jack in the Bean Stalk the available space is life reaching. It is tiring and monotonous to live in an urban jungle. How many of us are able to take a break from the concretes that surrounds us? With our landscape disappearing for the commerce of America, here is an answer. Green Exchange, a shopping center opening in Chicago, in 2008 will be the first environment-friendly shopping center in the U.S. and hence a socially conscious business. The building will be 250,000-square-feet and hold about 100 vendors all of whom must be green. The designer of most of these walls is Patrick Blanc. Patrick Blanc’s Vertical Garden System, known as Le Mur Vegetal in French, allows both plants and buildings to live in harmony with one another. Blanc’s Vertical Garden System can be implemented anywhere: indoors or out and in any climatic environment. This three-part system consists of a PVC layer, felt, and metal frame, providing a soil-free self-supporting system light enough to be hung on the wall, and even suspended in the air. The Vertical Garden can be an indoor as well as outdoor system, with the help of artificial lighting. I question the architectures and designers of buildings everywhere "Why is this not a must in every building being renovated and more importantly built"? Shouldn't this definitely be added to the plans for the rebuilding of the World Trade Center? How amazing it would be to add sustainable life in a space where life was taken and to give back what was lost. To learn more log onto and You can also google Vertical Garden System. Wouldn't it be amazing if we gave this gift to each other and added these gardens to our homes, our friends homes and our businesses. Imagine waking up Christmas Day to the gift that gives back. That would be a gift that gives and that is a F.A.C.T.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

C: Is for being captured under the tree

Christmas brings mistletoe, warmth and the need to be close to each other. With Victoria Secrets show tonight #15 is a sexier, smarter choice. It also landed me in the New York Times style section and on her website.
#13: Brazilian designer Neila Granzoti Rudden. What began as a gesture of love, creating jewelry for her mother and sister as gifts, quickly became Neila’s passion. 1st came a jewelry line, then swimwear and finally lingerie. This designer takes women on a creative journey that is personal and luxurious. Her line celebrates the chance for women to flaunt their bodies in a flattering way and express themselves. Blending sensuality with elegance, Neila’s collections offer women pieces they can wear everyday. Imagine this teddy, panties and stockings underneath a business suit. Now that's power!!
Want to stand out on a sandy Hamptons beach, a wind swept ocean cruise or just plain ole tar? This definitely will have you shinning in style and flair. Now who says camouflage can't get you noticed? I can bet you can get the maneuvers you seek in this stunning eye turner. The best part of the fabric is Lycra which means a perfect fit. The jewelry line is made from handcrafted pieces from local Brazilian artisans. They contain semi precious stones, sterling silver and vermeil or 14 carat gold. Each piece in the collection is named after an exotic plant, animal or a place in Brazil. For example, a necklace made of pau-brazil wood is named “Victoria Regia” after a beautiful lily pad-like aquatic plant that exists only in Brazil. These creations contain a bit of the magic and allure of the place far across the sea. To shop til you drop log onto and you'll entice that special someone underneath the mistletoe and that is a F.A.C.T.

A: Is for discovering art

There is nothing like discovering an artist before they truly burst onto the scene. First you get the joy of watching the progress and two you get to enjoy the creation before the masses deem it fashionable so...

#14: Is wishing for the works of artist Augustus Goertz. His Paintings are part philosophical/scientific, mystical/intuitive, athletic/aesthetic, a texture of the universe on canvas. His soul is explored in the lines and marks of intuition, forging ahead in a parallel scientific proving. Seemingly alive, a throbbing surface tension embraces physicality. Goertz's work pulsate before the viewer's eyes. Goertz pushes towards pure abstraction. His palette is earthy and urban as he exploits a wide variety of effects, from celestial mists of color to paint applied so thickly it almost qualifies as relief. In several of the paintings, alternating bands of dark and light pigment create an eternity of deep cavernous ridges. In his photography there is a monochromatic feeling, though he uses color and sepia to surprise the eye. The process further involves painting over or around the photo-image along with other mixed media. While at the outset the content of these works is figurative and erotic, its as if the subject is being x-rayed and the viewer is allowed into the sancticy of human emotions. Internationally he is shown in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Copenhagen, and all over the US. Currently he shows at the Kim Foster Gallery. The layers of form and color emit a ghostly hue of light. Goertz gives the viewer a sensory illusion of swirling light and dark against a wild and ravaged field. The paint itself looks torn by the passion of a soul wanting to be unearthed. Augustus paintings make me feel like a child entranced by cloud formations. His creativity allows my creativity to take flight and I am sure your soul will feel the same way. To see more log onto or call (212) 925-3765 to make an appointment. Girls, this is Augustus with his liquid light series. Yes, this man is as hot as his paintings which makes owning a piece all that more exciting and that's a F.A.C.T.

Monday, December 10, 2007

F: Is for a beautiful face shinning underneath the tree

#'s 16, 17 and 18 I wrote about Thursday November 29th when I went to the unveiling of CVS's new skin care line 24.7. Since then I have really had a chance to use their products and though there are five, three I can now not live without.

#17: Targeted Wrinkle Treatment fills in the lines and makes your skin look youthful and glowing. It covers scars and makes them smoother and less noticeable. Since using the product people have remarked how great my skin looks. This is a terrific comment since I have been sick and normally my face gets these weird little lines which makes me look tired and haggard. Can't wait till I am better to see what they will say.

#16: Smoothing Anti-Aging Moisturizer is light, and helps my make-up stay on. I go to a lot of launches of new products and so I have a lot of products that I'll use for a week but, since my skin is sensitive. I give some to my friends since it is not the product for me. Sometimes they'll sit in my cabinet so unfortunately I have a lot of barely used moisturizer. I can guarantee this product will not only be used but I will re-buy it. It help #16 last and at the same makes my skin stay soft.

#15: Volumizing Lip Shine. Watch out Venom, this product contains no pain and you wear it all day long. Forget collagen this is much quicker, cheeper and it turns you lips a natural enhanced shade. My lips are small, so this product for me is a must have. I use to put up with the pain of venom... no more! Tune in Thursday to see the complimentary must have perfect gift under the tree.

All this products are affordably priced between $19.99 to $39.99. Plus guys, you too could use this product with the same results and Santa baby that is a cheerful F.A.C.T.

Friday, December 7, 2007

S: Is for the gift of scent

Eighteen days left and my wish for today's gift under the tree is highly personal. There are so many perfumes out there. Angel by Theirry Mugler is the best selling perfume in the world and I admit until it became popular I was a fan. I also use to wear Opium and Sugar by Fresh. Women can normally tell you every perfume they have ever used. Most likely the end of the fragrance signifies a new stage of life. When we are children we are mystified by our mothers adorning themselves with whiffs. We know when we get there we too will be attractive. We too will attract our mates. Which brings me too.....

#18: A scent for just ourselves: I love "Smiley" the new perfume from France's Arthes group. The unisex fragrance is based on olfactory molecules theobromine and phenylethylamine that are known to trigger happiness. Developed by Firmenich, the scent itself is a fruity, spicy accord with bergamot and orange at the opening, and cocoa, praline and curaçao at the heart of the fragrance. The dry-down features patchouli, myrrh and musk. I was given a bracelet which I still have on and have been periodically inhaling. Does it make me happy? That I can't answer. Have I been addicted to it's scent? Yes! I want to bury my nose in it and that to me is a product to buy. I am excited that it comes in bath tablets as well as rubbing friction that I can think of a variety of uses for it and am looking forward to experimentation. Suddenly I hear I see mommy kissing Santa Claus. Mistletoe a welcome adornment. Does that make me happy? Absolutely and that is definitely a F.A.C.T.