Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A: Is for the act of Christmas

Tis Christmas and the presents are being opened, friendships re-newed and food consumed. Will we keep in our hearts the spirit of this holiday? This year unlike any other year, Christmas seems to truly not be here! Could it be that global warming has us not feeling those traditional joys? I mean where's the snow? Normally I am sick of carols by this point. I actually missed those familiar tunes droned in like elevator music gone array. Where were the lights and the street decorations that normally have blinded me as early as Halloween? Sure the major department stores invested in the spirit to tune of "Jingle bells, jingle bells lets spend the almighty buck, but were thier hearts invested. Tyler and I went to church yesterday and though massively attended, the spirit of the season was still lacking. The carols were sung like a dirge, of what was. When the service finished no greetings of "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" rang out. Ty and I started to randomly wish strangers the greetings lacking and the smiles received made us continue through out the journey of the day. Do we wish only those we know, like an oblatory play written ages long past? Christmas is about light being born, hope being given free of charge, no questions asked. It is something that should live in our hearts all year long. Maybe that's why Christmas seemed missing, our hearts have grown cold. My wish is that we stop being the Grinch and let our hearts grow 3 sizes too large. Then we can make a differnce and that is a F.A.C.T.

Merry Christmas
Suzanna and Kismet

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