Monday, December 31, 2007

F: Is for farewells

As we get ready to say good-bye to 2007 and welcome in 2008 most of us are making our resolutions to a better life. Miniature promises of how we can fail. Ironically we do this twice a year, now and at lent setting ourselves up for failure. My quest for understanding the resolution list started with a Jenny Craig's commercial, where Valerie Bertinelli tearfully states, she never has to put losing weight on her list again. It is a tragic commentary on our value system and how we equate self esteem with lower scale numbers. Don't get me wrong, I am just as guilty. Even when I was underweight I wished to be just 5 more pounds lighter. The saying,"You can never be to rich or to thin" was drilled into my head at a very young age. I sometimes think I learned that before the alphabet. Maybe if our resolutions were geared towards others we would accomplish more ourselves. What if we set our list to give instead of get? How can we fail then? I enclose the list of the top 10 promises in hopes to shed some light. I am adding my own solutions.

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends: This is a win, win situation. They say stress causes most diseases. Why not plan a hot chocolate day with a friend who is on your mind when it snows? A spa date with your mom or sister?
2. Fit in Fitness: How many museums have you been to? We live in a city of wondrous art, catch some culture and expand your mind as you exercise those limbs.
3. Tame the Bulge: Try the think of"The Others Diet". When you have the urge to buy that pint of Ben and Jerry's put the money into a fund to support your favorite charity. You pants will slide off your hips as you give cheerfully giving to yourself.
4. Quit Smoking: See the above.
5. Enjoy Life More: This one has me stumped. To not enjoy life is to quit living. But see #2 and I can tell you by staring at the genius of someone's creativity, the universe opening wide or the past there right in front of you, you will see life happening.
6. Quit Drinking: See #'s 2 & 4
7. Get Out of Debt: Live a cash only life. Keep a change jar and use it to pay off a credit card. Put 10% of what you make away until New Years Eve. Don't count it and you'll be surprised.
8. Learn Something New: I learned how to make web sites this year and the joy of that accomplishment has had me accomplishing my next goal of turning this into an on-line magazine. By learning something new you are able to move forward.
9. Help Others: This doesn't take money. Have you ever just walked down the street and wished people you didn't know "Hello"? I have and the smiles you get are worth stepping out of your safety zone. Kindness to others sometimes helps heal a world more than cash.
10. Get Organized: By taking things in small amounts we can accomplish the greatest of things.

As I say good-bye to 2007 and say Hello to 2008 I welcome you to the newest leg of the xplorefacts journey. 2008 is a year of new beginnings may yours be what you wish and may you make them a F.A.C.T.

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