Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A: Is for Capturing the Magic

Part of the magic of Christmas are the memories we capture on film.
#7's wish: A photographer with an eye to see into the essence of our being. Photographer, film maker and documentarist Sven Ruben Lindahl has the depth of character to look beyond the superficial. He visualizes through the eye of an explorer, open to every moment of change, and the underlying truths to be told. Originally from Stockholm, he started working for Swedish Television in 1992, shooting everything that came his way. From news breaking stories to rock video's and everything in between, finally running the production company Area 51Film. At the moment 51film has two projects in New York and one in Mongolia. To see clips go to www.svenruben.com and click movies (View under "N.Y.C Projects"). Make sure that you view "The House" as it is visually stunning and executes his cinematography to a haunting level. I thrill at discovering a new artist no matter what the medium. Watch out Peter Pau, Conrad Hal, or Albert Maysels, there's a new kid on the block and he is passionate and ready to shed some light and capture the moments.
Why did I put Sven under the tree? Because he does portraits (head shots), shoots music video's, corporation video's and much more. Before he gets to hot like a Annie Liebowitz or a Richard Avedon now is your chance to capture a moment in time and that is a F.A.C.T.

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