Thursday, December 20, 2007

T: Is for Total Treatment

My favorite gift is one that was just given to me, though I had done it before. This time however it was an artist named Verika who came and showed me heaven on earth.

#5: The gift of giving to self.

One of the biggest industries that consumers spend their money on is make-up. I am completely inapt when it comes to putting it on, which is sad when you think about it. When I finally do wear it I either sweat it off, rub it off or cry it off. What if you could wake-up and look fresh? Come out of the pool and look radiant? What if when you woke up sick you could look like Camille? Two and half years ago while I was in Provincetown my friend Christina introduced me to semi- permanent make-up, a non-surgical method of applying eyeliner and full lip color that lasts for about two years. My upper lip is non existent and people always want to line it and even then it's only, ok. After the application I actually had people come up to me and tell me how beautiful my mouth was. The confidence and the joy of over coming something to me that had always been a flaw was exhilarating. Two weeks ago I realized the freshness and the original application was gone and I looked run down. I was telling my friend how much for Christmas what I wanted was to re-due the semi- permanent make-up, but Christina was in Florida.

Suddenly the angel of wishes brought me to Verika and my wish came true. Verika is an artist whose craft was honed in Switzerland under Fabrice. She made my eyes open up and pop while at the same time looking natural. Unless I told you, you would never know that I was not born like this. There are people who are adamantly against enhancing what we came into this earth with. I for one am not one of those people. I have always thought of myself as the canvas that through my eyes I get to create. Verika is like Michelangelo and now I know how those who saw the Sistine Chapel felt. Confidence comes from within but it doesn't hurt to like what you see.

Verika makes this procedure comfortable explaining everything before it happens. I am deathly afraid of needles and she calmed my fears and put me at ease. The pigment itself is all natural. Working in a serene and and immaculate environment run by . Dr. Leslie Gerstman at Medical-Aesthetics and can be contacted at 212 966-3991. Look for Monday's column for more about this medi-spa because it is a mecca of gifts to wish for. Verika made this treatment the perfect wish. To learn more about Verika and semi-permanent make-up log onto We are in a day and age were we can be the women and men we want to be and Verika makes that a F.A.C.T.

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