Thursday, October 29, 2009

S: Is for a scary new musical

In time for Halloween a musical about the death of Edgar Allan Poe, opens. Produced by Boston's The F.U.D.G.E. Theatre Company and Joe DeMita. NEVERMORE!

As one of the literary world’s most tormented genius, Poe is reguarded as the master of horror. At 2:00 in the morning on October 7th, 1849, in the middle of a rain-drenched street in Baltimore, he is lying alone, dying. Some say of alcohol. Some say a cerebral hemorrhage. Some whisper drugs. Others tuberculosis. No one will ever really know. From a life of pain, his writings began to examine the forces of cruelty, darkness, fear, mutiny, and murder.His critics raved. He got drunker.His circle of prostitutes widened. The voices in his head got louder He got drunker. He began to hear voices in his head. His work began to take on other-worldly dimensions.He was the most famous author in the world but he was loosing his soul. This is a musical about the five women who tried to save that soul and the last five seconds in the life of a tortured artist who is obsessed with death. Presenting: The New England Premiere of the highly acclaimed, ground-breaking, hauntingly beautiful new musical “NEVERMORE.” Limited Engagement 4 performances only:

Thursday, November 5th at 8:00pm
Friday, November 6th at 8:00pm
Saturday, November 7th at 2:00pm (matinee)
Saturday, November 7th at 8:00pm

The Arsenal Center for the Arts Black Box Theatre
321 Arsenal Street
Watertown, Massachusetts



Does a road trip sound like a F.A.C.T. in the making?

T: Is for Thompson vs Bloomberg

If William C. Thompson Jr. is elected Tuesday, he promises to usher in a new regime. Thompson would be likely to focus on quality of life concerns, like water rates or parking tickets.It would be personable, customer-friendly, people-friendly. He is known for being very hands-on. Mr. Thompson has promised to replace all of Mr. Bloomberg’s commissioners. Mr. Thompson, who would be the city’s second black mayor, is likely to pick top staff members, commissioners and judges who are more diverse than Mr. Bloomberg’s. Mr. Thompson, who has spent most of his career in government, would move into the mansion with his wife, Elsie McCabe Thompson, the executive director of the Museum for African Art, and his 12-year-old twin stepchildren.

If, Michael Bloomberg returns, he to is promising change. He is said to be replacing a third of his 40 commissioners and is demanding bold ideas. Bloomberg, however does not like to fire people, according to friends and advisers. So he may rotate his commissioners to different departments to keep things fresh, in much the way he did at his company. If Bill gets elected, it will all be about the Democratic establishment taking back power. Decided to forgo living at Gracie Mansion, he remained at his Upper East Side house and spends many weekends in Bermuda or at his other homes in Florida and Westchester County.

We have a choice on Tuesday, let us hope we choose a Mayor who doesn't buy his way into power and I pray for that F.A.C.T.

C: Is for Cancer

Andrew Lloyd Webber, the award-winning composer and producer of more than a dozen musicals including "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Cats," has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is in the very early stages. Andrew is now undergoing treatment and expects to be fully back at work before the end of the year. They released no further details.
In April, the Sunday Times of London included Lloyd Webber, 61, on its annual Rich list, which ranks the wealthiest people in Britain.
Lloyd Webber, who lives in Kensington, was the highest-ranking entertainer on the list. He tied for 52nd place, with about $1.1 billion.

British composer and theatre impresario Andrew Lloyd Webber is undergoing treatment for prostate cancer.

A statement released by Lloyd Webber's spokeswoman on Sunday says the composer is in the early stages of the disease and "expects to be fully back at work before the end of the year."

The 61-year-old musical theatre whiz recently announced plans for a sequel to Phantom of the Opera — a play that has been seen by more than 50 million people, in more than two dozen countries.

Called Love Never Dies and starring Canadian Ramin Karimloo in the title role, the new show is set to launch in London's West End in March and then on Broadway in November.

Lloyd Webber's other globally successful productions include Cats, Evita and Jesus Christ Superstar.

Not one to sit on his laurels, he's had three successful BBC reality series which cast the leads for his theatre musicals: How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?, Any Dream Will Do and Oliver!

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? was also a CBC series in 2008.

In 2010, he's set to launch a BBC show to find Dorothy and Toto for a new theatrical production of The Wizard of Oz and that is an over the rainbow F.A.C.T.

A: Is for the Art of Finain's Rainbow opening on Broadway

There is always a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow, especially if your name is Finian. Through the eyes and mind of director/choreographer, Warren Carlyle, this beloved musical becomes a Valentine to New York and all of us who love musical theatre. A half a century old, the new adaptation by Arthur Perlman, is funny, relevant commentary of today's economic struggles. Class structure, greed and racism are it's vehicles. Not much has changed since 1947. The score by Burton Lane (music) and E.Y. Harburg (lyrics) is the heart and soul of "The American songbook" with such classics as ""How Are Things in Glocca Morra?" and "Old Devil Moon." Rob Berman's musical direction reinvents these songs and they are heard anew with voices that make you swoon with sheer contentment. . As for the cast: There has never been a better Finain than Jim Norton. His twinkling meddling is a delight. You completely understand why Sharon allows her father's impish deeds to continue. Fiesty Kate Baldwin's lush voice and thoughtful acting gives Sharon the feel of a women born of today. Falling for Broadway's leading man of choice, Cheyenne Jackson's, Woody Mahoney, fits the bill with his handsome good looks and smooth controlled voice. Christopher Fitzgerald as Og, the leprechaun who is losing more than his gold subtly steals the scenes he is in and as his pants diminish he grows on us inch by inch. Terri White, brings down the house with her show stopping version of "Necessity;" Alina Faye express herself lithely as Woody's sister; Susan the silent. In a sequence with well-known blues musician Guy Davis, Susan emotes in dance as Sunny relates by harmonica. David Schramm is the bigoted white senator and
Chuck Cooper is his counterpart. When enlightened by a wish he is joined with Bernard Dotson, James Stovall and Devin Richards who harmonize to audience approval with "The Begat.""When the Idle Poor Become the Idle Rich" illustrates the illusion of wealth, much like Bernie Madoff. Carlyle's choreography is reminiscent of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Like Michael Kidd he has turned dance routines into works of art, defining the moments of the score and script alike.This show will enchant even the most cynical for this is stage magic at it's best. You will remember why you fell in all in love with theatre and that is a F.A.C.T.

Monday, October 26, 2009

F: is for Fisher... Carie Fisher

In "WIshful Drinking" Carrie Fisher recalls the highs and lows of her life. Raised in Hollywood by star parents Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, left Carrie descending into a life of becoming bipolar, which usually appears between the ages 15 - 25. There is a saying laugh at yourself first and others laugh with you not at you. Carrie does just that. After all when the world turns you into a blow-up sex doll, a Pez dispenser and an icon, what else is there to do? Her journey is hilarious, one minute, brutally self-destruction the next. Bipolar disorder involves periods of mania alternating with periods of depression, binge eating, drinking, and/or drug use, impaired judgment and sexual promiscuity all of which Ms. Fischer fluently participated in and all are symptoms of being bipolar. Her writing and acting are a perceptive irony of a life that got away and has been reclaimed. Done or written by anybody but Ms. Fischer, this could of been self indulgent but Carrie invites us in and lets us get up close and personal. Princess Leia shows us the dark side of wit until Jan. 3, 2010 at Studio 54, 254 W 54th St. Fisher's book Wishful Drinking is # 1 on the Times Best Seller list and that is a F.A.C.T.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

S: Is for Soul Searching

Nora and Delia Ephron have created "Love, Loss and What I Wore," based on the book by Ilene Beckerman. This piece weaves stories all centered around dresses that span a lifetime. With a rotating cast of five, I saw Rosie Ms. O’Donnell, Tyne Daly, Katie Finneran, Natasha Lyonne, and Samantha Bee. As they sit on chairs they recall growing up and the pains and joys of what make us who we are. This is a show for women, by women and the effect is like being at a personal tea party, where it is safe to let down our hair and say who we are. Like most people my favorite piece is when Rosie O’Donnell describe the annoyance of not finding anything inside a purse and the weight they have on our lives. As I was in the bathroom I knew several people all of who knew this was directed to people like me. With a strong emotional connection it is with resonance how clothes mark the pivotal moments in women’s lives. Tyne Daily is Gingy who stories of three marriages, motherhood and the death of a child, draw out the stories of the other women. Emotions run high as a woman gives up wearing miniskirts in college after being raped, but refuses to give up her beloved boots. Finding of the perfect wedding attire for two lesbians as their families take opposing attitudes to their nuptials and the tattoo a cancer survivor to have a tattoo on her newly reconstructed breast. Director Karen Carpenter helps us identify with these women which gives us insight to ourselves. “Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” plays at the Westside Theater 407 West 43rd Street, through Dec. 13.
Who needs therapy with a Broadway season like this and that is a F.A.C.T.

T: Is for Robin williams telling it like it is

For those who have been hiding under a rock, Robin Williams is one of the funniest comedians and actors of the last 25 years. Earlier this year, Robin Williams planned to bring his one-man comedy show Weapons of Self-Destruction to Broadway's Neil Simon Theatre, but then suffered heart problems that caused him to postpone the engagement. Although Williams will not be bringing his show to Broadway, the now-healthy performer has now announced that he will do Weapons of Self-Destruction at Town Hall, a popular New York City venue in midtown. The dates for the show will be November 23-25, November 30, and December 1-3. Tickets for the event are already on sale.

Word is out that the show We saw is amazing. Robin covers an amazing array of topics starting with politics, marriage, drinking and everything in between. They are all a pun on a more personal in level, however Williams (like many actors and performers) is not happy with the current government and administration and political jokes will most likely be part of the show. You may also have heard that Williams recently went through a divorce and has been through rehab. Not easy things to process. I am sure that comedy and seeing the irony of life, help make sense of a lot of things and that is a F.A.C.T.