Friday, January 2, 2009

S: Is for resolutions sticking

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As we face a year where our country is in recession our resolutions take on a different angle. The resolutions may sound the same, but the reasons driving them are different. Weight loss use to top the# 1 slot. Now it is saving money. Who can afford $100 a month for a gym membership when walking is free and helps trim those unwanted pounds. I traded for a bike when I heard about the rising subway costs and I found not only did I get everywhere quicker, I actually enjoy riding. I also found myself just a little less stressed as I peddled to my destination. Spending time with friends is also, always on our lists and seldom really gets accomplished. What with the option of a $12 glass of wine or a $12 bottle, plans to spend time with friends at their homes is doable. The 2nd resolution to top the list is to quit smoking but at $9 a pack the incentive has never been better. Even healthier lifestyles are easier. It is cost effective to bring your lunch or breakfast and go home to a homemade dinner with friends and or family. I predict that board games will make a comeback. It is also a time when some people are setting goals to take advantage of the bad news. With falling home prices and mortgage rates lowering it has never been a better time to buy. We may see communal living returning as more people learn that buying together not only gets you more but saves you in ways we have forgotten. There was a time that families lived together and when a child was raised it was by a community. Humanity has lost that quality and I think we have suffered for it. Though recession is a dirty word that raises fear in most, maybe it is a blessing in disguise if we only look at it in the right way. Lets hope that with all that is going we can actually make those resolutions a F.A.C.T.

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