Friday, November 16, 2007

S: Is for Shaken Baby Syndrome

If I have ever written a column I wish people to read and absorb, it is this one. I saw a film tonight produced by Gary Null called "Vaccination Nation" and to say the least it is eye opening. It is about the mandatory vaccination of children and what it causes and the lies being perpetrated by the drug industry. What is going on can only be termed as medical genocide! Mandated by the government ten vaccines are required to get your child into school. They are Hepatitis B, DTaP, which is the newer form of the DPT, Hib, Polio, MMR-measles, mumps, and rubella, and Varicella-chicken pox. By the time a child reaches six years old they have been inoculated over sixty-one times. Hepatitis B is only spread by sexual contact yet it is the first vaccine and is given right after birth. The important question is what is in the vaccine? I'll tell you, aborted fetal tissue, formaldehyde, aluminum, the disease itself and the worst ingredient mercury. Autism is on the rise. It is at epidemic proportions. This year there will be over five hundred thousand cases and it will cost the American public over 2.3 trillion dollars. Most of these kids were born healthy and after a series of vaccinations developed autism. I spoke to Denise James and her son Jonathan. Jonathan was healthy until age four then he became autistic. I asked Denise how she knew something was wrong? She told me right after a vaccination Jonathan stopped speaking and singing and she knew something was horribly amiss. I asked her if it could of been equated to anything else and she stated "No, nothing". Denise was brave and took matters into her own hands. She gave Jonathan B12 shots, took him off wheat, dairy and sugar and gave him oxygen therapy. She also stopped the vaccinations. The result, her son got better. The saddest part was he knew something was wrong with himself and at the age of four wanted to kill himself. Now he wants to live. The James's story is not isolated, many other parents have also gone though this same nightmare. When these children come down with autism what do the doctors want to do? Put them on ritalin or other psychotropic drugs.

Allen Yurko was accused of giving his baby Shaken Baby Syndrome. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2002. His girlfriend now wife Francine was manipulated into harvesting her dead child's body parts even though she never signed papers. Allen was accused of child abuse by the physician who administered his child's vaccination. Right after the vaccination the child went into convulsions and eleven days later the child died. Because the doctor falsely harvested the child's heart the autopsy was invalid. Allen spent till 2004 in prison being treated as the worst kind of criminal, a child killer. Allen Yurko became a light in the darkness and started researching his child's death. What he found was staggering. Six thousand children die of shaken baby syndrome a year, always after a vaccination. This man turned into an Ellen Brockovich and now that he is free still fights for others who are now in his position.

Does the medical community take responsibility? NO! As I was doing research I fell upon this site.
I add it because it makes me ill. When you first look at it you think, hey maybe what I just watched was bias, then you research who did the writing and it is a pharmaceutical company and when you dig deeper it is Merck the company that is mostly responsible.

If you have an industry that wants clients, how do you get the clients. You create mandatory chaos. Vaccinations cause a myriad of symptoms. As I watched this I knew I was one of it's victims. I had ADD, chronic sinus infections, dyslexia, joints that ached, and was constantly fighting something off. The only thing that saved me was my will which is strong. My sister had chronic bronchitis and none of this ran in our family history. My parents were diligent at vaccinating us. To this day I remember hating shot day because I knew I'd be sick for a week after if not more. The drug industry is booming. The medical profession rakes in yearly profits that can by a small country. The CDC and the FDA are corrupt as proven in Michael Moore's film Sicko. When does it end? When do we say enough? When do we stop hiding our guilt over our participation in blindly trusting what can not be trusted. It is a F.A.C.T. that this needs to be brought to our attention. It is a F.A.C.T. that we need to end this insanity!

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