Friday, October 19, 2007

S: Is for Swann Gallery and history that shows us the way.

When I saw this photograph I was mesmerized. I stared at it and absorbed it's stark beauty. This is the Terra Nova in Antarctica taken in 1910 where a staff of twenty-four studied biology, geology, glaciology, meteorology, and geophysics. It didn't even return from Antarctica till three years later. This is a reminder of a time when life was a lot slower. We take the things in our universe for granted, like they have always been here, available for out convenience. The F.A.C.T. is there was a time a wall was around China, computers were a blur in someones head and cell phones were the size of a shoe. With global warming this picture could never happen now and like hippo's, children of tomorrow will wonder what was an iceberg.
"Sail on, sail on
Great ship, Titanic...
Cross the open sea
Pray the journey's sound
Till your port be found
Fortune's winds
Sing Godspeed to thee...". This is from the musical based on the Titanic. Taken in 1912 a year before the Terra Nova came home, Titanic is one of man's greatest accomplishments and his biggest failure. Trying to build the biggest and the best it was frozen water that brought about it's demise. To think that it was to come to port in New York's own Chelsea Piers.

What ever happened to "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..." I have been watching with a bit of sadness, and more than a little concern. We are becoming a country where it's citizens are becoming displaced. Where rights are being taken away. Where anyone can damn anyone with a click of a switch, without proof. Where illiteracy is in the voice of our president and English is not our first language but slowly becoming our second. Where any body's search for a dream supersedes who you step on to get there and is admired by the masses. History and our archives of it give us the clues to make informed, proven decisions F.A.C.T.S

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