Friday, September 28, 2007

S: Is for speaking aloud

Every now and then we allow people to infiltrate our lives and the impact carries such a weight that we become immobilized. When that happens we need to heal and then take our power back. Sometimes it takes longer than one thinks because judgements have been passed onto us and our voice though truthful is silenced by preconceived or manipulated roadblocks. Just when you put the idea of speaking aloud and righting the wrongs away, karma or a divine intervention makes itself present. I will never be one to walk peacefully into a concentration camp, avoid standing up for my rights or those being stifled by somebody else or becoming a sheep because it is the easiest way out. Something inside me will never allow it. There have been many times when I have been silenced for causes I believe in only to find out if you are silenced or if your light goes out something is horribly wrong. I have paid the price for those times. Freedom of speech is a 1st amendment right. We all should be given the opportunity to question, research and learn and we all should take advantage of it. I may not always agree with the norm or they with me. We do have something to learn from every experience and every moment of our journey here on earth. I encourage those of you who read me to speak up. I promise I will never censer your right to opinion unless it is done out of malice and that is a F.A.C.T.

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