Monday, October 1, 2007

F: Is for False Accusations!

The Internet is a marvelous tool except when used illegally. Most people don't think they will be caught or that they will be stood up against. Today in the Technology section of The New York Times is a story of 15-year-old Alison Chang, from Dallas. She posed with a friend for a photo. Weeks later, that photo is posted online on Flikr and catches the eye of an ad agency in Australia, and Alison appears on a billboard as part of a Virgin Mobile advertising campaign. On the billboard, Alison’s friend vanished and so had the Adidas logo on her hat. Her image is accompanied by a derogatory campaign. This case and several others have appeared in Federal Court. Allison is falsely being portrayed as a loser without concern as to how this will effect her.

In 1988 a fascinating film was released called "The Thin Blue Line". This controversial documentary is about the arrest and conviction of Randall Adams for the murder of a Dallas policeman in 1976. It was the 1st time a movie film is credited with overturning the conviction of a crime where a man is sentenced to death falsely. The film makers went in to film the process and ended up showing how the cops were so blind they could not see that the real killer 16-year-old David Harris was a dangerous, remorseless psychopath. He even took a delight in bragging about his crime. When people see the police, the court system, the judges condemning the innocent and letting the guilty walk free, you see the beginning of the breakdown of society.

Why would I write about this you ask? This weekend I brought some truth to light which is documented. Instead of facing and answering the allegations they illegally posted a slanderous note on goggle under my name, instead of their own blog. When a friend pointed it out to me I immediately wrote to them asking them to take it off. In order to write the note I had to add my personal email, which I did since I had nothing to hide. What happened next was four even more slanderous letters ranting about things that they knew nothing about. I had to post six "Notices of Intent" with a Cease and Desist amendment. People who have things to hide falsely accuse others or use them for their own benefit without consciousness. This column has always been to shed light even when it is personal, because their are others who are going through the same things. I am not afraid to speak out, admit my faults or to face the F.A.C.T.S. Maybe this column will help you to do the same.

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