Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A: Is for the attack of the "Care Bears"

Were you ever this cool at twelve? On Fri, Sept 28th – 8:00PM Care Bears on Fire
CD RELEASE PARTY “I Stole Your Animal” will be held at Southpaw 125 5th Ave in Brooklyn, NY. These pre-tweens from Brooklyn write punk tunes about creepy dudes on MySpace with a gleeful sneer that's more convincing than most people twice their age. Scarey to believe but the members of Care Bears on Fire aren't even old enough to get a learner's permit, but inside each of them beats the heart of a punk rocker. According to New York Magazine “...They rock with impressive skill." Sophie, Izzy and Lucio met in kindergarten where they mostly ignored each other. Then in the beginning of 4th grade the three of them and a friend of theirs began playing music together after school in Lucio's basement. Usually like 75% of practice was stealing and hiding each other's shoes, eating sugar and complaining about school. Then in 5th grade after a freak accident caused by a green gummie bear melting onto a live wire of a Fender amp--they were visited by the specter of a giant care bear who spoke in a voice like Thurston Moore and told them to go forth and rock as Care Bears On Fire! They still practice in Lucio's basement but only during the week so the neighbors aren't freaked out by the AWESOME NOISE! Now only about 50% of practice time is spent throwing stuff and eating sugar. These little kids are great. Log onto myspace.com/carebearsonfire to hear them. Talent isn't an age it's a force and that is a F.A.C.T.

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