Wednesday, July 4, 2007

C: Is for Celebration and Country

As flags wave, parades assemble and as a nation celebrates Independence Day my thoughts go to my country. We celebrate independence from England, tyranny and for religious choice yet these don't exists anymore, anywhere. I am offended each and every time my liberties are stolen from me because I am a white, heterosexual, and not from a foreign country. I am offended that I am no longer a free person in the land of the free. We are not free to admonish people in office because our President will pardon them and when those who speak, speak out they offend the immoral. I am not free to voice my opinion without being accused of racial profiling or charged with a hate crime. ... IT’S CALLED FREEDOM...AND I WANT MINE BACK! The Freedom to Speak is a responsibility that has been neglected. This fundamental right allows us to discuss controversial issues. We can question our representatives in government and we should. Philosophers have maintained that in order for a free society to exist this right of free speech is crucial and healthy. There are differing camps on many key issues: abortion, use of military force, extent of public assistance, and expression of religion. Our differences stem from diversity. This diversity, in combination with education, patience and the ability to clearly communicate our thoughts is the glue that hold a democratic world together. It is the creative genius that invents, solves problems and is initiated by open discussion. Do not be tempted to give in to those who dictate "now is not the proper place nor the proper time," for limiting our freedom of speech. Slowly our rights are being eroded. Just as a stone in a river gets smoothed by the virtually infinite number of water molecules that slam into and pass over the rock surface, we too are losing substance. We are becoming dull with time but cannot see the small losses, moment by moment. I love my country and I believe in our original goals but from the beginning we have lost track and are headed to ruin. We blame others but it is ourselves that we need to look at first. Though I am sure that at some point in time my speaking out will land me in troubled waters how could I live with myself if I don't. We do not always have to get along but together we can make a difference and that is a F.A.C.T

I wish you all a Happy 4th of July!

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