Saturday, July 11, 2009

S: Is for singing and Mariah and Lisa messing with the paparazzi's heads

We all know who Mariah Carey is but who is Lisa Miller? Well for one thing she looks and sounds just like Mariah, and I should know as I am sitting right next to her. Lisa for most of her life has worked behind the scenes as a make-up artist for film and Television. Her clients include Rebecca Romijn, LL Cool Jay and Taye Diggs among others. Being encouraged to be in front of the camera, she started acting when she was doing make-up for Rollerball. The director John Mc Tiernan needed a body double for Rebecca Romijn and was casting all day long, discouraged and seeing Lisa in front of him he bribed her to do it and the journey began. Films followed with Basic, Tony and Tina's Wedding (The Movie), Hoax with Ricard Gere and Fox news.

For the video Lisa plays Mariah's gender bending doppleganger for her Obsessed video due out this Monday July 13th. Shot at the Plaza Hotel the two switched roles with Mariah playing the female version and Lisa the bearded male. After several takes the two switched places. All together there are 3 females and 4 males that the two switched places for. Brett Ratner director of X-Men, The Family Man, The Rush Hour series and more was on hand. Big things will be happening for Lisa and Mariah's Obsessed video and that is a F.A.C.T.

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