Thursday, February 26, 2009

T: Is for Talks

Last night President Obama spoke to the country. I wish I could feel the hope, the news is reporting most people are feeling. I do not. Though I voted for President Obama and definitely think he is a better choice than McCain or Ms. Palin, his choices for cabinet members and now his speech leave me wary. By the way what was with all the applause? A way to drag something out even longer? As the news is reporting President Obama stated: "I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it." Hmmm, even without looking it up I know that's wrong. So I looked it up. In 1985 Karl Benz from Germany, built the first car, Henry Ford didn't even start his auto assembly line and the Model T until 1908. Next President Obama announced he's going to cut back and in the same breath he proposed additional spending for a cure for cancer in our lifetime, national health care reform, overhauling Social Security and a tax-free universal savings account for everyone. What in the world does that mean? A savings account for everybody? Isn't that what we work for? College for everyone? But college isn't for everyone. Another statement "this time, CEOs won't be able to use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet. Those days are over." What politicians? Sen. Dianne Feinstein flies cross-country on her husband's private jet at $20,000 each way. President Obama is getting a fleet of two dozen new helicopters: total taxpayer cost of $11.2 billion. A little hypocritical? And what about his statements about ending earmarks? $2 billion batteries, $800 million for carbon capture projects and more than $3 million for new uniforms for the Transportation Security Administration. $200,000 for a "tattoo removal violence prevention outreach program."Can anyone say recession? Obviously not our President.

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