Thursday, May 8, 2008

T: Is for Treatments that Sooth and DeTox!

1st remember the place to be tonight at 7:00 PM is Prime for the 3rd Annual Hampton's Preview Party & Benefit for Not only will you have a good time but you’ll be helping those in need. Look for Wednesday’s column to hear all about what you will miss.

There were rumors about a new form of bliss living at a new sleep spa called Yelo and I wanted to check it out. Tuesday I had that chance, thanks to Debbie from Sprayology which is my subject tomorrow, so definitely tune in. To start with when you walk in you are greeted in soothing colors and are offered a wonderful blend of teas. You choose from an array of sleep services off a menu. YeloNaps are available in 20-40 minutes in length, ranging from $15-$28. Once the time is selected you then choose music and aromatherapy to sooth you into contentment. Now you are ready to begin and are lead to a room reminiscent of a space module. The YeloChair is extremely comfortable and with your legs elevated above your heart, you can feel your body slow down. Though I did relax I did not sleep. Part of the reason is that though they cover you with a blanket, I was cold. Also I am a huge aromatherapy fan and the scent was too light. There were also too many breaks in the music that it keep jarring me as it switched. I could see how in warm summer's day this could be deeply satisfying and though I did not sleep, I was relaxed. This power nap salon located at 315 West 57th Street, does offer those who have meetings all day a solution to be freshen up. Surveys have shown that naps, when taken in the workplace, can increase productivity and reduce "general crabbiness." There are also add on choices of reflexology and massages. Yelo's prices are reasonable and that is something to purr about.

Next up is the "Goddess Repair Shop" for toxin release. Though I have not had a chance to try this, their menu was handed to me at Yelo. Organ cleanse is something that is negated in how we take care of ourselves. In a treatment a metal plate is roll on your stomach where it will read the frequency of where the toxins are and releases them. The machine also hooks onto your ears with these little plugs which takes into a deep mediation state. When you cleanse it stimulates the liver and gallbladder. Every organ and cell has cellular memories. Organs have emotions, the liver connects with anger, the gallbladder with resentment. So people are going to feel emotional for days afterwards, but hey its better than therapy. By doing a cleanse twice a year you will ward off stones and other problems that can erupt. There is also a Miracle Facial which isn't your run-of-the-mill facial with masques and blemish-poppings. It’s an almost two-hour treatment with the same machine used for the organs called the Reparer that makes you look better. Rolling over your face, it can tell the build-ups of toxins, scar tissue, etc. I have read testimonials that after treatments it is like seeing a plastic surgery without the knife. You can even get a butt lift! This machine does everything! It is pricey with a few treatments. But, compared to what a face-lift would cost. An organ cleanse is $125 and a facial is $215

One of the newest product out there is a Bio-Energizer Foot Spa. Its not that the treatment is new, it's just that it is being brought to the publics eyes. They are affordable enough that you can do this at home. The treatment is in the form of a detoxifying foot bath and foot pads. The Japanese came out with it first, but basically they’re all the same. There isn’t any one that’s better than the other. You use it for 15 minutes to 30 minutes every other day. Some of them claim a little bit more than what they do and people are always looking for that quick fix, including myself. It does however help pull out toxins, which is a great release. The foot pads are good too. But you can break out in rashes if you’re really toxic when you use them. I recommend using them [typically overnight] for a maximum of two weeks, then stop for a few months.

We live in a world where toxins inhabit and we can all use help and that is a F.A.C.T.

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