Friday, May 9, 2008

S: Is for Spraying your way to Health!

Last weekend I went to the beauty show at the Javits and there were only a few things that caught my eye. The 1st time I went through I some how missed an isle but on my way back to another booth Sprayology caught my eye. I have been hooked ever since. Founded by two sisters who were stressed by their lifestyles they started cleaning their bodies homeopathically, which if you know is a practice which normally consists of several bottles. Highly cumbersome and not very practical the sisters sought to change this and created Sprayology. Finally there is a product that combines the ancient practice of healing along with the modern world and comes out looking beautiful. An entire line of these oral sprays help promote beauty and well-being from within. Combining natural ingredients which rapidly absorbed under the tongue. This allows for absorption into the bloodstream, bypasses the digestive tract and stomach, thus avoiding the standard metabolic process. Sprayology helps the body replenish and is FDA approved. Sprayology has 20 homeopathic formulas and four vitamin sprays supplying energy to temporarily relieve the symptoms of aging, allergies, burnout as well as 17 other problems. I immediately tried cold and flu and Immune as I was not feeling well. Within a couple of hours I was feeling great. Burned out from drinking and eating too much and sleeping too little? Party ease is your new best friend. I am excited to try diet power and body balance for not only will it help control my appetite but it will help with my thyroid and adrenals. There is Bone Builder that has been scientifically to proven to build increased bone density and that makes is one amazing product. I gave sleep ease to my landlord and she finally slept. She is now as hook as much as I am. Think I am raving too much....not! After the flu symptoms left my body I went on to digest ease and what has happened has been a miracle. I take it after I eat and I am actually digesting. I watched as my body that use to bloat after eating, stayed the way it should. When people first see Sprayology they think it is a perfume because of its packaging. The truth is this product has your body sweetly singing the songs it should. When buying it you may think it is pricey at $20-$48, but it is not. I challenge you to add the vitamins that one spray encompasses. Now you know not only do these products work but in the long run they will save you money and that is a healthy F.A.C.T.

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