Sunday, May 4, 2008

S: Is for services that offer small pleasures

This post is late due to a commercial I was filming for Sam's Club and Proctor and Gamble. I was at Sam's for a long time bored out of my mind so I went browsing. I was amazed at the amount of useless items that were stock piled. I was amazed that I did not want to truly go shopping. So continuing on my journey on items that should be stocked and why, I give you the following three products and services to consider.

Topricin: As I get older I have discovered that I am getting arthritis in my hands. As the weather is damp or is changing there is this dull ache. While I was at the Green Expo last weekend I was given this product by a well known Chicago talk show host. Topricin is a homeopathic medicine that is almost a miracle. The first day I used it I was amazed at how good I felt. The dull ache instantaneously went away. It was a dramatic difference. It is safe for the environment , your pets and you.

Four Chimneys Farm Winery: Has Certified Organic Wine and I think Four Chimneys makes some of the best “fruit wines” (theirs are a grape wine base with fruit soaked in) in the Finger Lakes, they are all natural with no preservatives or flavorings added and I think you can taste the difference. Peach/ Blueberry/ Honeydew, Each of these 3 wines expresses the fruit very intensely with a delicate sweetness, when I tried the Honeydew it tasted like you were biting into a fresh Honeydew melon. Here is a great reason besides the taste. Resveratrol a powerful component of red wine fights lung disease. Published in the scientific journal "Thorax", showed drinking wine with resveratrol eases the inflammatory process in progressive lung disease, and may even lead to a treatment. Long known to be a potent anti-cancer and cardioprotective substance, resveratrol may also have the effect of prolonging life. It is found in red wines due to the skin contact during processing, and is particularly prevalent in cool and humid climates. Now there is a reason to drink.

Zen Home Cleaning: Approaches the home and nurtures the home as a whole. Conscious of environmental issues their green home cleaning products are the best on the market and are also available to buy. Their services are a perfect marriage of luxury and Green without every compromising the harmonic balance of the planet. Do you want to Indulge yourself or that mother to be or your own mother with something completely special and unique? This is the answer. Don't think this is the best services ever? Watch Deanna Hains, founder of Zen Home Cleaning, talks about her eco-friendly and non-toxic home cleaning service on the sundance channel.

Life needs small pleasures that are also solutions these are services that will help change your life and that is a F.A.C.T.

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