Monday, August 6, 2007

F: Is for Disappearing Freedoms

When will it end and more importantly when did it begin. Did it ever really exist or was it an illusion meant to tempt us into a false reality. On Saturday, the Democratic Party led Congress in yielding to President Bush and approved legislation to temporarily expand the government's power to conduct electronic surveillance without a court order in tracking foreign suspects. Who does this include? The answer is all of us. None of us are truly pure breed America's. There is no such thing. My family came here on the Mayflower but that statement in itself makes me exactly what is being targeted, a foreigner. Did the House of Representatives support those precious freedoms given to us by our forefathers? No, it concurred 227-183, the day after it won a Senate approval of 60-28. There reasoning for this abhorred display of vandalism... "possible terrorist attacks on the United States". Has anyone stopped to think that maybe this is just an excuse to make us prisoners in our own country? This new law will allow Gonzolas and Rove to justify the wire taping and listening to private conversations of our Supreme Court. Was this Bush's tactic for his latest move.

I once had my civil liberties taken away in a custody battle against my in-laws. My husband was in the process of dying and it became not a fight for truth but a battle against who could buy the most people. I lost because they kept making up the rules as they went and I was definitely on the losing side of the monetary position. The truth is nobody won. Nobody gains when the rules are so distorted that the end becomes lost in the translation. The one thing it did do was make me fearless in speaking out against the tyranny and the failure of a government to protect it's people.

President Bush stated that "Surveillance law needs to keep up with technology, Protecting America is our most solemn obligation." Mr Bush my question to you is who is going to protect us from you? This is an alarming F.A.C.T. we need to figure out.

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