Friday, July 13, 2007

S: Is for Un-Serious

I have been so serious lately I decided the column needed a break so here are some things that were sent to me to amuse you. Before I start I want to thank Captan who so generously lent me his monthly bus pass when mine expired and I didn't have time to re-fill. What makes this so unique is he is the man who gets me my ice coffee every day from the deli next door. There are people who step outside of themselves to help others strictly because they are kind.

In response to the current problems with contaminated cat food, Mother Nature, Inc., would like to remind you of her traditional line of 100% all-natural cat foods. No pouches, no bags, no cans. No mysterious "meat byproducts." No harmful chemicals. And they may be bought at little or no cost.
Each meal comes complete with its own live-action play toy, guaranteed to
amuse any cat for hours. Available in three time-tested flavors: mouse, sparrow and cricket Last Night Michael Moore was on Keith Obermann's show. If you lg onto Michael's website it will show it to you.

"And this madam says that Vitter was not only having sex with the prostitutes -- this is unbelievable -- he would also pay them to dress him up in a diaper. See, that's what you call a pampered politician. And she also said today in an interview that he sometimes paid $300 an hour just to have the hookers talk to him because his wife didn't listen to him. Well, I bet she's all ears now." --Jay Leno

SF Gate columnist Mark Morford reports that President Bush has pardoned the entire GOP, officially excusing all Republicans in his administration from any and all crimes they have committed, are in the process of committing, or are planning to commit.

"Scooter Libby was found guilty of perjury, obstruction, and making false statements -- or as the White House calls it, a press conference." --Bill Maher

"I say if Bush doesn't pardon him, at least he should give him a new nickname, because if you have Scooter on the back of your prison jump suit, you are just asking for it." --Bill Maher

Dumb Quotes from the Presidential Candidates: "We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." --Sen. Hillary Clinton

The world we live in is scary enough. We need to be able to laugh and then make changes and that is a F.A.C.T.

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