Thursday, June 21, 2007

T: Is for the Temples found and soon to be lost!

With the emerging waters of the Nile advancing at an alarming rate archaeologist are hurrying to excavate unearthed civilizations. Recently archaeologists reported finding the once African kingdom of Kush. Its reign ascended 500 years from 1500-2000 B.C., and exerted control over the 750-mile stretch of the Nile Valley. This makes Kush a major player in the political and military dynamics of the time which traded heavily in gold. Over the last few years, archaeological teams from Britain, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Sudan and the United States have raced to dig at sites that will soon be underwater. Trying to salvage temples erected by prominate pharaohs, the temples at Abu Simbel and Philae were dismantled and restored on higher ground. Also found was a cemetery containing the remains of about 90 people who were buried during the 400 years Kush's gold-processing center was in operation.

With the loss of history with the tragic looting of Iraqi museums and other cultural institutions shouldn't we fight to preserve what we can? Next year's opening of the Merowe Dam will flood thousands of archaeological sites. But the dam will be a great benefit to the people of Sudan, so of course we can't stand in the way of progress. Soon the temples of the Nile will look like this and that's a F.A.C.T.

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