Sunday, December 20, 2009

F: Is for farce

There is an amazing group called Billionaires for Bush. They are a political satire group. My column this week is dedicated to their Christmas Carols all week. Enjoy

tune--O Come All Ye Faithful lyrics by Felonius Ax
O Come, ye investors, bold captains of commerce,
Let‚s get our products made in old Saipan.
Come for the people, peaceful and compliant
O come let us exploit them
O come let us exploit them
O come let us exploit them because we can!
See how consumers, blinded by low prices,
Leaving their ethics, come here to buy.
Into our pockets they will pour their dollars.
O come let us exploit them
O come let us exploit them
O come let us exploit them because we can!

Child, in our sweatshops making designer watches,
Billionaires get richer from your twelve-hour days!
Who would not hire you for ten cents an hour?
O come let us exploit them
O come let us exploit them
O come let us exploit them because we can!

Now these are F.A.C.T.S. we can not ignore.

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