Thursday, June 11, 2009

T: Is for taking a stand against Palin

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is at it again...this time, she's the only governor in America to reject almost $29 million in federal stimulus money slated for energy efficiency programs in her state. Though I think spending this kind of money when there supposedly is none is insane, at the same time better to the environment than to the irresponsible CEO's of Wall Street. The money is there for states to strengthen building codes, prioritize energy efficiency and renewable energy, replace streetlights with LED bulbs and incentivize energy savings for customers, but Governor Palin is rejecting this environmentally sound plan simply because she believes it is not happening. She needs to pull her head out of the iceberg.
The future of this planet depends on everyone, including the residents of Alaska.
Even fellow Alaskan Republicans are urging Governor Palin to accept the funds, but she is stubbornly refusing to adopt energy efficiency standards critical for the future of our planet.

Here are some of the absurd statements she has made.

Produce more of our own oil & gas, for national security. (Sep 2008)
More pipelines; more nukes; more coal; more alternatives. (Sep 2008)
Resource rebate: suspend AK 8-cent fuel tax for one year. (Aug 2008)
Lift moratorium on offshore drilling. (Jul 2008)
Drill, baby, drill. (Oct 2008)
Gas pipeline:history’s largest private-sector infrastructure. (Sep 2008)
Unlock ANWR; we’re ready, willing and able to contribute. (Jun 2008)
Gas pipelines are approved if they meet Alaska’s needs. (Jan 2008)
Global warming affects Alaska, but is not man-made. (Aug 2008)
Opposed protections for salmon from mining contamination. (Aug 2008)
Sue US government to stop listing polar bear as endangered. (Aug 2008)
We must encourage timber, mining, drilling, & fishing. (Jan 2008)
Wolf predator control is important for subsistence hunters. (Sep 2007)
Feds shouldn’t list beluga whales as endangered. (Aug 2007)
Provide stability in regulations for developers. (Jan 2007)

I thought before the election and I still feel as strongly, this lady needs to be educated and that is a F.A.C.T

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