Thursday, June 18, 2009

S: is for striking out for yourself

I know I promised you a column on Marcus Britti and I will next week, but right now I think we all need humor. For most everyone I know 2009 has been like HELL! There have been times that I have been, down right manic and depressed and for those who know me personally, that's just not my personality. I have learned if I can just breath, that fresh intake of air is so rewarding. It is the fear factor that does me in. Fears are like annoying relatives. You can't avoid them forever, and ignoring them won't make them go away. Come Thanksgiving, they'll plop down right next to you and ask to borrow your fork. So you'd better figure out how to confront the little devils before they eat your dessert too. Here's some ideas for how to tell your fears to hit the road. Yell at Them! Hey, getting vocal gets out all that aggression and by the time your done, you'll be ready to hit the pillow, for a well deserved rest. Laugh at Them! I like to tell little jokes to mine. By the time I finish, my sides ache from the release. Talk About Them! They say communication works, and we all bitch about others not communicating properly. The question is "Do you communicate with yourself?" Harness Them! If they are under your control, you don't have to worry about them. Let your dominate self come out to play. Free Them! For you and you alone hold your fate in you own hands and that is a F.A.C.T.

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