Wednesday, December 24, 2008

C: Is for Comfort and Joy

Gift #24 comes from the heart. It is the gift we can give all year long and it is more precious than cash.

Gift #24: The gift of time: Spending time, quality time is the greatest gift we can give each other. In this frenzied world just giving of ourselves is the most treasured commodity. I have friends this year I haven't seen in months. My schedule, their schedules, inconvenience of area, you name it has kept us apart. Kids miss their parents because of work and parents have missed their kids plays, concerts, games and growing because they have been trying to provide. Sometimes we lose out on life because we are trying to hard to get ahead or in this time and age just keeping our heads above water.

I wish for all of you the gift of each other and that is a F.A.C.T.

Merry Christmas

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