Thursday, October 16, 2008

T: Is for Ticking Down the Election!

The 2008 presidential debates are over now. McCain did not score the knockout blows that many Republicans had hoped. Instead he acted like a smirking attack dog. I keep expecting him to turn into Charlie Brown who has just lost the football.....again, because though he contains himself physically in his persona I see this angry boy jumping up and down for not getting his way. Obama, surprises me with his cool demeanor, because I seriously would find it hard containing myself sitting next to McCain. As McCain, mocked Obama and interrupted him to try and correct the record. Obama largely ignored these verbal (and nonverbal) jabs. Tonight, McCain couldn't seem to decide which line of attack he wanted to focus on. He did break the Ayers seal but also threw in ACORN, negotiating with rogue leaders, taxes, and a lack of international experience among other issues. Though the Ayers association is in the past, ACORN is in the present and does need to be addressed. Why couldn't McCain stick to the F.A.C.T.S. he maybe would of had my intrests. As I have stated in previous columns, I don't really like either one, however I do like Bidden and Palin SCARES me and that enough has gotten me to register to vote. It completely annoys me when she claims to know mine or anyone else's opinions and tries to link mine to hers. I oppose almost everything she stands for. Despite our many differences of opinion, I'm sure there is one thing that Sarah Palin and I could agree on: a domestic terrorist (i.e. one who encourages violence against the government or the citizens of the U.S.) should not be given a national audience on mainstream, public airwaves. Sarah Palin a domestic terrorist? What??? Well, maybe Palin herself isn't one, but she does "pal around" with them and insights them. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of them. You see, when Sarah Palin started suggesting that Barack Obama is a domestic terrorist because he served on two of the same nonprofits boards as Bill Ayers, a professor at the University of Illinois and former 60's radical, the crowd began to shout things like "terrorist" and "kill him" in regards to Obama. Palin and her staff did nothing to discourage the crowd. Instead, Palin gave one of her trademark folksy "Aww shucks... you guys!" expressions. In recent days John McCain has tried to distance himself from the shouts of hate coming from the crowd, but only because he was slammed in the press over it. When he called Obama a "decent person", his own supporters began to boo him. Did McCain really expect that he could put the lid back on the Pandora's box of bigotry and hatred he and Palin opened? Sarah Palin continues unabated. In fact, it has been reported that McCain and Palin have even argued over the issue. McCain, perhaps, wants to go out with what little honor he has left (which, in my opinion, is none). Palin on the other hand is drunk on enthusiasm and political greed. The angry mob she whips up at her rallies seems to enforce in her the idea that she is somehow the savior of her party. By applying Palin's flawless logic, because she associates with these people, even in a very indirect way, she must be a domestic terrorist herself. Therefore we must act according to the wisdom she has passed down and demand that 1) she explain her association to these people and 2) call or e-mail SNL in order to deny her a national audience where she can spread her terrorist ideas. McCain has little time left. He has been been cheated in other elections. Troubled and distracted, he has forgotten his strong words about honor.

I leave you with a John Cleese video. Sometimes out of great comedians come the truth and that is a sobering F.A.C.T.

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