Wednesday, April 23, 2008

T: Is for Trials and Tribulations!

A friend of mine sent me a letter telling me about something disturbing that is happening in England. To say I was skeptical didn't even begin to cover what I thought. Surely we have learned from the past. My friend knowingly sent proof in the form of what to google and sure enough I found the world back to the time over hundred and fifty innocent people were accused of witchcraft. Nineteen were hung, one pressed to death for holding strong to who he was and five died. All because of greed and fear. Mediums are fighting a new law designed under the guise of protection. A list of disclaimers must be added before the spiritualists starts to see into your life or they will be fined and jailed. Things such as 'this is a scientific experiment, the results of which cannot be guaranteed'. This new act is called the new Consumer Protection Regulations. This replaces The Fraudulent Mediums Act which replaced the 1735 Witchcraft Act, when anyone could accuse another person. In Britain this crack down will reach a multi million pound psychic industry. Now if a psychic charges a fee or accepts 'gifts' in exchange for a service they are sent to court and are most likely to lose. There are more than 300 Spiritualist churches and they also fall under this tyranny. Under the umbrella of protection shouldn't that cover every church that preaches and tells me armageddon is coming, if you don't join their group and tithe. How many times have people been told they will burn in the fires of hell and then they pass the collection plate? I want to go to the UK and sue a church under these laws. The problem seems to be that they believe that churches are telling the truth and psychics are not. We all supposably have free will and if we choose to see a psychic and pay them, how does a government have the right to say we can't. For the past half a century, mediums have been protected by the 1951 Fraudulent Mediums Act. With that protection gone, there will now be nothing left but chaos. The government says this will simplify the law and bring Britain into line with European Union rules. This new European Union legislation is placing humanity back into the dark ages, for while spiritualism has a commercial side, it is also a religion and for many it is a way of life. Under the new European consumer protection directive, it will be the psychic's responsibility to prove they did not mislead or coerce credulous consumers. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? There are many that state that mediums will be targeted by people intent on making money by suing what they see as easy targets.

We are about to become the North American Union without our consent. Will this practice make it's way across the ocean? Wake-up America we are losing our freedoms and this is a disturbing F.A.C.T.

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