Thursday, April 24, 2008

S: Is for Singing gone array!

I am loath to admit, one of my guilty pleasures is watching American Idol, that is until last night. First I was forced into seeing George Bush and his pulled too tight wife, act as if they care. When that happened I knew I have entered a world I soon needed to leave. Unlike most Americans I liked most of what Simon Cowell had to say. He was bluntly honest and in the world of music and celebrity where you have a delusional world thinking that they have what it takes to make it, his comments keep a reality in place. Last weeks show made no sense in any way shape or form. First the guest mentor was Andrew Lloyd Webber. Simon is a person who has a strong dislike of cabaret and musical theatre and is constantly putting down those whose talents lie in this area. Carly Smithson is someone who was born for this jandre. Reminiscent of Broadway star Linda Eder, vocally Smithson was one of the best and definitely the best female chanteuse this season. But Carly had a problem, she wanted it too much and for that she was punished. In a land where we are told to go after our dreams Carly was subjected to ridicule. Simon was highly critical of her and she stood her ground. In trying to express how she felt in a heart wrenching version of "Blackbird" Simon tried to stamp out her spirit. Though there are two David's, who have the total package, Carly should of been beside them. Instead she went home after one of the best renditions of "Jesus Christ Superstar" I have ever seen and I have seen a lot. In Australia and the UK there is a phenomenon called "The Tall Poppy Syndrome." Poppies growing in a field strangle any poppy that is different. Last night Carly proved that this irrational way of thinking has reached America. A show that supposably was to be based on talent is now based on how someone looks. Brooke White forgot the lyrics and stopped and started again. She never really recovered. Jason Castro just outright stank and this was not the first night. The teen fan based has kept him around for his looks not his singing. We have shows for models and now we have another. To make it even more unfair the loser gets to independently strut their stuff after they are booted off. Last night Carly had to share her farewell with Syesha Mercado who despite being more talented than Brooke or Jason will probably be gone next week.

I write this column because as a society we are missing the mark. I felt the same way when Chris Daughtry was also voted off way before other more untalented individuals. Now look at where he is and the girl who won just had to cancel off the Alicia Keys for vocal strain. Singing is an art and it is being abused on American Idol and that is a F.A.C.T.

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