Thursday, March 13, 2008

T: Is for Titillating Tidbits!

It is hard to live in New York and not comment on the scandal that has rocked this island as of late. Without any comedic aspirations it has me creating comic sketches every time I hear Elliot Spitzer talk or read about the exploits of his complete stupidity. As the resignation of the Governor came so did the pictures of 22 year old "Kristen" whose real name is Ashley Dupre. Ashley wants to be a singer. Her MySpace page is still up Who in their right mind keeps something like that up unless it is to garn attention? On it she states"Don’t let anyone hold you back or tell you that you can’t…because you can. I didn’t and here I am, just listen to it…. What we Want is my latest track. It’s really about trust, something my past has made very difficult for me to feel. This one was inspired by a guy, who taught me not to confuse my dreams with the sounds of the city." I wonder if that guy is Elliot? Some people actually think that all publicity is good publicity and it is obvious without you Ashley was just another has been. Is that why you exported her to the Mayflower? It was there that intern Monica Lewinsky was photographed embracing President Clinton and again returned to testify as a witness in a congressional inquiry. Did you not learn from that event? Also Washington is know as the hooker capital of the world so why would you put yourself in that position? Ashley collected $4,300 in addition to the cost of "train tickets, cab fare from the hotel, mini bar or room service, travel time and hotel". Supposably Spitzer has paid over $80,000.00. My question here is since prostitution is illegal and we don't know where that money came from does Ashley have to pay it back? What about taxes? Will it be given to New Yorkers like Bush's tax relief program? Or better yet given to the MTA so that New Yorkers to can have a cheeper ride?

This just in Ashley’s real last name is Youmans. This is her high school picture from her year book. Not only did Spitzer pay
too much for this girl but he picked one has completely re-done herself. How many surgery’s can you count? Her newest song........Fame I’m going to live forever.

Do we not deserve answers? In your resignation speech, you do not refer to the prostitution scandal. Stating "In the past few days I have begun to atone for my private failings with my wife, Silda, my children and my entire family but what about New York and the hypocritical way you lead us to believe your stance on such issues. As New York's attorney general, you prosecuted at least two prostitution rings. Were you also clients of theirs? How are we ever to know the truth? Considering you have been indulging according to records for over 10 years one tends to think you have.

My biggest question is to Spitzer's wife. Why? Why did you not do what Bill Cinton's wife, James E. McGreevey's wife, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's wife, Louisiana Sen. David Vitter's wife and Idaho Sen. Larry Craig's wife failed to do and should've. You have no Presidential aspirations. Dump the louse. It’s time women set out traps when the rat brings home infestation.

I guess my biggest question is: When men get into power do their penis's automatically grow honing devices? Do they go off and beep like mad when you are put in a position most will never see? Does your brain go to your head and I don't mean your shoulders? Being a women I just don't get why you would risk so much for so little. Maybe there are F.A.C.T.S that need to be explained.

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