Wednesday, March 12, 2008

C: Is for Cellulite that melts away

Summer is coming and like most American's hate my body type. I have always stated if I won the lottery I would have the fattest feet in town because I would reconstruct like a sculptor. So when an invitation to a seminar on SmartLipo at SLEEK MedSpa came across the wire I attended. Dr. Christopher T. Chia who specializes in procedures for body contouring, breast surgery and facial rejuvenation impressed me. Here was a doctor who cared more about the patient than the money. The reason I state this is because he does not except any patient who comes through the door and he makes sure that those who do have a realistic goal and view. Smatlipo is the newest trend. It is a cutting-edge, method to significantly improve those unwanted body areas.
Routinely used in dental procedures, lasik eye surgery, reconstructive work and cosmetic procedures—including liposuction—laser technology is what sets SmartLipo apart from its competition. SmartLipo is different in that it uses a carefully calibrated laser to liquefy fat deposits through the top layers of the patient's skin. The laser actually ruptures fat cells, and the resulting oily, liquid substance is then removed through a tiny incision in the skin by the surgeon. The small laser can also seal blood vessels as it zaps fat, so there is less swelling, bleeding and bruising than with traditional liposuction. Research has shown that little, if any, fat is reabsorbed back into the body. The minimal invasiveness of the procedure allows patients to see faster results and to experience fewer complications. Almost anyone can be a good candidate for SmartLipo. In general, the ideal candidate: 1. Is in good health, exercises regularly, is within 25 lbs. of his or her ideal weight; 2. Has one or more areas of local body fat deposits that have responded poorly to diet and exercise; and 3. Is bothered by these fatty areas, and is motivated to get rid of them permanently. The touch up's are rare and rank in the 9% range.

Sleek Med Spa is located at 800B Fifth Av and provides cosmetic procedures including Facelift (Rhytidectomy, Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty), Chin Implants, Browlift Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty), Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Breast Reduction, Liposuction, Arm Lift (Brachioplasty), Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Thigh Lift. I found the staff friendly and educated, the atmosphere relaxing and the most importantly the Doctor to be caring. I highly recommend this for your consideration.

Did you know our backs have the thickest skin of all our body including hands and feet? It's true and Men are the newest candidates for plastic surgery. 37% of 100 clients are men. They just don't talk about it. Now these are some cool F.A.C.T.S.

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