Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A: Is for Art and 21 days till Christmas

#21: Light that masquerades as art
Toshio Lezumi creates glass sculptures that resinate like water reflecting sun. They fill the room with prisms of color and iridescent light surrounding the spaces they reside in. Spinning worlds of beauty that are so glorious. The soft, morphing glass surface bear a dynamic component suggesting the surface tension of water, yet remains static at the same time. The work draws your eyes in, guiding them into the deepest inner reaches but never allows them to focus onto a set image. The external space that surrounds the work is reflected within, and yet the way it appears changes in accordance with the glass’ complexities of thickness and distortion, as well as the point at which the viewer’s gaze is directed. The same things can be seen in every "work of art". But considering that glass has a property of being split into appearance and existence Toshio Iezumi has found limitless beauty in the property of this material and his work is a phenomenon of nature blending with man. I dream of day when one of his pieces will adorn my home and finds it's way underneath my tree and this is a F.A.C.T.

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