Thursday, October 11, 2007

T: One Million years to Terminate

Our oceans are one of our greatest resources. They can sustain us, offer abounding recreation and their vast beauty is unsurpassed. Once upon a time every beach had the potential to yield up secrets, hidden away in bottles – the sea is a dependable messenger. Nowadays the anticipation of finding a message has given way to the certainty that it is just garbage, thoughtlessly thrown into the sea. From the shore or over the side of a ship, bottles etc. do not just disappear. It is shocking to know that it takes 450 years for a plastic bottle that enters the sea to decompose, but it takes over one million years for a glass bottle. People think it'll sink to the bottom. Out of sight, out of mind. Plastic in our oceans is often mistaken for food by marine animals but so is glass. High concentrations of glass have been found to block and or cut the breathing passages and stomachs of many marine species, including whales, dolphins, seals and turtles. In most cases they bleed to death. People become contaminated from household products or by eating contaminated seafood and pass it on to the containers they thoughtlessly throw overboard.

Besides material pollutants our seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land. Wonder why people die from eating fish and shellfish? Because our human waste is digested by them. The fish get ill and the chain reaction "what goes around comes around" reaches it's full life. Rubbish discarded at sea is often washed ashore onto our beaches polluting the coastline. There is more rubbish on the beach in the winter, because of the prevailing winds and large waves which force the litter ashore. A staggering amount of waste, much of which has only existed for the past 50 years or so, enters the oceans each year.

I guess the reason this article is important to me is I grew up near the ocean. I surf, sail, water ski, and have enjoyed it's glory on many occasions. I have been a part of the problem and now I want to be a part of the solution. We do things unconsciously because the issues have not been brought to our attention, when they are we need to make amends. Here are some F.A.C.T.S we all need to know. Below is a list of how long things take to decompose in the watery brine. In the parenthesis is the years. Also below are organizations with F.A.C.T.S. worth checking out! Together with knowledge we can make a difference.

1. glass(1 million)
2. rope (500)
3. plastic(450)
4. straws, stirrers (450)
5. cans (80 -200)
6. caps, lids (50)
7. food containers/wrappers (50)
8. cups, plates, forks, knives, spoons (50)
9. plastic bags (10 - 20)
10. cigarettes/cigarette filters(1-5)

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