Thursday, September 13, 2007

T: is for the transforming qualities of water

For years I have been singing the praises of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Tonight I finally met him and had a chance to converse with him and to hear him talk. Everything in the world resonates at some level. Emotions such as love & gratitude, sadness or anger each emit vibrational resonance. “Messages from Water” is his best selling book that he has generously donated 650 million copies to children and teachers. Have you ever walked into a room full of people and, without anyone saying a word sense the mood? After receiving a hug have you felt like a burden was lifted? If so, you were experiencing the power of hado. It is that simple. "Hado" may sound like a new term but it has existed in the Japanese language for centuries. Translated, it means wave motion or vibration. Within the past few decades hado has been redefining philosophy, science and quantum physics. More recently, the definition has expanded into the spiritual realm to express the healing properties and trans formative powers of this life-force energy. Emoto is admittedly controversial showing through well documented experiments that if human thought is directed at water before it is frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon the thoughts that are directed. Emoto also showed that this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water and has done so on several impressive tests. I first heard of Dr. Emoto when I was at the UN and the stories were circulating about an experiment that had been done. I write this column because we are 60% water and if thoughts, words, and intentions can control the intrinsic parts of our soul do we not owe it to each other to stay positive, only think good thoughts and raise the human consciousness of our planet. We need to elevate each other to a higher place and that is a F.A.C.T.

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