Thursday, September 6, 2007

T: Is for terroism in NY

I have been working the US Open in Rockefeller Center and I have seen for the past few days police in full terrorist fighting gear. Gas masks, machine guns, protection equipment that makes them look scary as hell. The first time I saw them I was afraid something was happening . Then I found out , no, this is now regular procedure in NY. There are no trash cans because God forbid there is what? More trash littered? You notice that The machine guns that they carry when your heart finally stops racing look like they came from "Toys are Us". However that doesn't stop the fear that they cause. They come in packs of five and are reminiscent of "The Terminator". I then come to find Congress appropriated $4 million to help the New York Police Department pay for the protective equipment, including gas masks. Senator Hillary Clinton has secured more funding to allow the police to buy thousands of gas masks. $900 million more. And still she wants more: "We need more help from the federal government for the additional burdens that are being imposed on the N.Y.P.D., the burdens that require the constant vigilance that this city is known for,""But we're not getting the help we need, and it is a grave concern throughout the city and at every level of government." The recent two-week terrorism alert was costly, with the department spending more than $1 million in just four days on overtime and other costs. According to Clinton "'We do everything we can through our defense budget to take care of our men and women in the military. This war is a two-front war. It's now here at home. And therefore we should be spending the dollars from the federal government to make sure that we're safe here at home, and they should go to police and fire and first responders." I personally think she should see the movie "Iraq for Sale: War Profiteers'. Could this be another version of the movie closer to home?

There are other issues closer to home such as the National Debt, Global Warming and the inadequacy of our President. Wouldn't the money be better spent dealing with these issues rather than turning NY into a Military State. We are quickly losing our freedoms. Wake-up and learn the F.A.C.T.S.

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