Friday, September 21, 2007

S: Is for social injustice of Americans

During Fashion Week I was at an event that had information for a "Keep a chld alive". This organization is the response to the AIDS pandemic ravaging Africa. With 25 million already dead, the disease continues, wiping out whole societies, threatening economic infrastructure and creating tragic devastation in the family structure. 15.2 million children worldwide have lost one or both parents to AIDS.

Now don't get me wrong this organization does wonderful things for children with AIDS in Africa but it will not help children in America. I know because I asked. Most organizations in this country that help children will help any child except it's own. Think I'm lying or misinformed? Ask them yourself. The reasoning is because of the legalities involved. We will pay for a child from another country to fly over here. Get onto welfare. Get the best doctors, yet the child that lives down the street, nope. Tough out of luck. Celebrities lend their names and fame for others. Why not closer to home? AIDS is an epidemic and lives everywhere. Here it is only thought of as a crime for being gay. In America over 11,000 people under 25 were diagnosed with AIDS. Here we quarantine them to houses where they died. Think I'm over dramatizing? Do the research.

Do not think I am heartless. Africa's numbers are greater than ours. When you see films such as "The Constant Gardner" the ethics of "WHO" become disturbing. I think health care should be for all those who need it. I just find it disheartening to live in country where others receive better treatment than it's citizens. Where do we go for help? It's hard to find a F.A.C.T. for that.

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