Friday, August 31, 2007

S: Is for the So long and Farewell!

Months ago this column stated the treachery and the road back to McCarthyism lead by Gonzales and Rove. On August 27th (Praise be to God), Alberto Gonzales resigned. As of September 17th he will exist no more, to do any more harm to his country. In fact when asked, he stated that he was not directly involved in the firings (which he was), and that the firings were related to performance issues. Six of the eight fired had positive performance appraisals. I guess there's a difference between job performance, and what Bush would consider loyal activities by his own staff. After lying about his involvement, he was unclear regarding the reasoning behind the firing. We all know that the truth is puppets have puppets. While Bush has every right to fire anyone who does not agree with him, Gonzales has no right to lie to Congress. Clearly he did. The problem is Alberto is too stupid or negligent to cite to appropriate laws and make a statement based on principle. Instead he lied. With Gonzales gone, will Karl Rove step up to the plate and do the right thing? Doubtful, because then there won't be anyone loyal to Bush to staunchly defend his agenda. The question left is will he defend himself in the court of public opinion, based on violations of the law, or will it be his own violations of stupidity? All I know is one gone and I can rest a lot easier.

Meantime: Sen. Larry Craig denied trying to engage in lewd behavior in an airport bathroom and suggested he was entrapped. My question is what was he doing and did it involve any others. Hey boys will be boys and stupidity reins and that is a F.A.C.T.

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