Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A: Is for the art of Augustus Goertz

I was introduced to the art of Augustus Goertz by his manager David Grossman. Normally when people want to introduce me to their clients I am reticent as I never want to disappoint and my taste in art is extremely individualistic and specific. I know what I like. When David showed me Augustus work I was intrigued. He works in several mediums including sound, sculpture, photography, video, printmaking and word making, though painting is his heart. To quote him "I see and do everything from the point of view of a painter. Painting is the philosophical/scientific, mystical/intuitive, athletic/aesthetic, meeting place. The texture of the universe is right there in the paint. Memories of conscious existence reverberate in fading color and dusty surface. The physics of the soul are explored in the lines and marks of intuition. Art, especially as expressed visually usually forge ahead or parallel independently scientific proving".

There's a throbbing surface tension and physicality in Goertz's work, brawny components brand his paintings and make them appear to pulsate before the viewer's eyes. Goertz pushes towards pure abstraction. His palette is earthy and urban as he exploits a wide variety of effects, from celestial mists of color to paint applied so thickly it almost qualifies as relief. In several of the paintings, alternating bands of dark and light pigment create an eternity of deep cavernous ridges.

There is a monochromatic feeling to his photography, though he uses color and sepia to surprise the eye. The process further involves painting over or around the photo-image along with other mixed media. While at the outset the content of these works is figurative and erotic, its as if the subject is being x-rayed and the viewer is allowed into the sancticy of human emotions. Internationally he is shown in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Copenhagen, and all over the US. Currently he shows at the Kim Foster Gallery.

The layers of form and color emit a ghostly hue of light. Goertz gives the viewer a sensory illusion of swirling light and dark against a wild and ravaged field. The paint itself looks torn by the passion of a soul wanting to be unearthed. his paintings make me feel like a child entranced by cloud formations. His creativity allows my creativity to take flight and that's a F.A.C.T.

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