Friday, February 23, 2007

S: Is for encouraging children

Hope: Home is a refuge… Opportunities to soar…Parents who care and Education to open doors.

Sometimes the joy of New York is the friendships you make and the quality of them. Last September I was introduced to publicist Laura Rubin. We have since become friends and fans of each other’s endeavors so when she invites me somewhere I know to show up. She sent across the electronic e waves an invitation from Emma Snowdon-Jones and Anthony Todd for Boys Hope Girls Hope an organization that fosters education and partners in co parenting children in need. Founded in 1977 by Father Paul Sheridan Boys Hope Girls Hope is a privately funded, non-profit, multi-denominational organization that provides at-risk children with a stable home, positive parenting, quality education, and support children to reach their full potential. Many of the children come from home environments marked by drug abuse, poverty or neglect. Others come from caring families unable to meet the child’s needs. Boys Hope Girls Hope currently serves children in 38 homes in 16 U.S. cities and two foreign countries (Brazil, Guatemala). Boys Hope Girls Hope have several unique elements that make it the only program of its kind. Children are placed in non-institutional, family-like homes staffed with live-in residential counselors. The goal is long-range mentorship so the relationships continue to foster both financially and emotionally through collage and beyond. For those children who do not qualify they provide referral services and follow up not letting them fall by the way side. The parents still maintain custody and are not replaced. The program actually tries to promote a healthy relationship between the parents and the child by maintaining regular contact. Parents are encouraged to participate in the extra curricular activities and special events. This program realizes a child’s love for ones parents no matter the ability of one to be a parent. Children do not judge and love unconditionally. They take the hurtful things done to them and blame themselves. This program teaches the child how to deal and move past while still loving. To learn more about this program that is encouraging young people log onto or call 718 984-8466. In a world where the tabloids have made it seem that socialites are only into clothes and the party scene I’m here to tell you they also foster growth, encourage those less fortunate and do have parties, but for the most part they are there to raise funding to bring about hope. Congratulations to the Thom Bar for throwing this soirée and yeah Laura and Emma for bringing this organization into my realm and making it a F.A.C.T

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