Monday, October 26, 2009

F: is for Fisher... Carie Fisher

In "WIshful Drinking" Carrie Fisher recalls the highs and lows of her life. Raised in Hollywood by star parents Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, left Carrie descending into a life of becoming bipolar, which usually appears between the ages 15 - 25. There is a saying laugh at yourself first and others laugh with you not at you. Carrie does just that. After all when the world turns you into a blow-up sex doll, a Pez dispenser and an icon, what else is there to do? Her journey is hilarious, one minute, brutally self-destruction the next. Bipolar disorder involves periods of mania alternating with periods of depression, binge eating, drinking, and/or drug use, impaired judgment and sexual promiscuity all of which Ms. Fischer fluently participated in and all are symptoms of being bipolar. Her writing and acting are a perceptive irony of a life that got away and has been reclaimed. Done or written by anybody but Ms. Fischer, this could of been self indulgent but Carrie invites us in and lets us get up close and personal. Princess Leia shows us the dark side of wit until Jan. 3, 2010 at Studio 54, 254 W 54th St. Fisher's book Wishful Drinking is # 1 on the Times Best Seller list and that is a F.A.C.T.

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