Saturday, August 8, 2009

T: Is for Drug $ trade off's

The nation's drugmakers are ready to spend $150 million to help President Obama overhaul health care this fall. This is a some what surprising political alliance.
PhRMA's this is supposedly under the condition of anonymity. Right now the industry is the major contributor to Healthy Economy Now, which recently completed a $12 million in advertising nationally. Ken Johnson, senior vice president of PhRMA, said, "We will have a significant presence over the August recess, both on television and newspapers and on radio." Health care bills that make it to Obama's desk will add 50 million to the drug companies pockets. A new pool of potential customers is developed by the signing of these bills. Obama's Health Plan restricts
your freedom of choice and control over your health care, raise, not lower, health costs, impose sharp tax increases that would leave America with more deficits and debt.

Medicare and Medicaid underpaying doctors and hospitals. Medicare pays doctors 20% below market rates, and hospitals 30% below market. Medicaid pays 30% to 40% less than Medicare. This may not mean much to you but how do you think doctors and hospitals make up the loss? By those who don't have this plan. it will eventually drive out the private competitors, leaving you without the choice of keeping your current insurance plan. Doctors and hospitals will begin to restrict their care to fit what the government will pay. Investors will no longer finance new hospital facilities or clinics, and what of the maintenance of existing ones? The supply of doctors, surgeons and specialists will decline. But the question is whether your doctor will be willing to keep you? Many people will suffer or die unnecessarily as a result.

The CEA says the government will reduce health costs by deciding for doctors and hospitals across the country what health care works and what doesn't. It will decide what health care is cost effective, which means the government will decide whether your health care is worth the cost, not you and your doctor. The polls show the public has turned in decisive opposition to the Obama health plan. We need to be informed. We need to speak out and we need to know thge F.A.C.T.S.

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