Friday, July 31, 2009

S: Is for Success

In New York City everything is bigger, brighter and shinier. The New Sephora on 42nd street is 13,000 square-feet and costs 4.5 million a year to rent. It is no wonder the new 27 year old make-up sensation is debuting her new line there. Lauren Luke started by giving make-up famous tutorials on YouTube in 2007. from her bedroom she became the voice of the everyday women. She became so popular u-tube made her a site partner. 40 million people view her with with 230,000 subscribers. Now that is what you call a following. Now she has a TV show in the works, a new book due out this fall and is an avatar in Nintendo DS game, writes a well read beauty column for The Guardian and has launched her make-up company which is carried at Sephora. her new kits are make-up friendly and so easy to use. With five palates to choose from for $32.50 you can have a complete look suited for you. Not bad for a 17 year old who found herself pregnant and had no formal skills and wanted friends. To learn and be inspired by Lauren go to Passion goes along why. So does wanting to help others. Lauren Luke has both and that is a F.A.C.T.

On a side note Sephora will also be carrying to other new brands, Illamasqua, and an airbrush makeup kit by Temptu.

Look for the next edition of The Times Square Chronicle August 12th as Lauren will be doing a column. But for now check out

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