Monday, May 25, 2009

F: Is for Freedom's won

For most of us Memorial Day means picnic's, hot dogs, the beginning of summer and a day of rest. Memorial day should remind us of battles won and lost. We go into battle to resolved forever the dispute of whether our nation stands united or separate over issues of economics, states rights and slavery. That first war was the Civil War, fought from 1860 to 1865, decided the fate of what was to come. On the only hill overlooking Washington. D.C., sits an elegant mansion. A cannon points to the capitol and what has become a final resting place for the future veterans of the United States of America. How many did we lose in World War II? Vietnam? or any other war fought for freedom? Those who have served in the military during conflict often know what most citizens forget: Freedom has never been free. We enjoy the fruit of their sacrifice need to become their speakers - speakers for the dead. Today we speak for those known only to God - the unknown soldier. Sacrifice only becomes unknown if that sacrifice is not remembered. There are men now, boys getting shot at in Iraq. We may never have the grief of losing a loved one in this manor but we should never allow their deaths to be in vain. For each of us has a sacred duty to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for the whole. Who believed that they were doing what was best for our country and were selfless. I may not believe in war but I do not negate those who have lost their lives and take this day to morn them, to remember and this is a solemn F.A.C.T.

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