Thursday, April 16, 2009

T: Is for Trouble in transportation yet again

Is the MTA ever going to get it together and why should we have to pay for their mismanagement? There are several solutions to the current crises.1: Stop the monopoly and give New Yorkers a choice at who they ride. 2: Put camera's on the buses and make a lane on each street for NYC busses and bikes, only. If a car enters that lane 1st time $100, 2nd time $500 3rd time you lose your car. One snap shot and there's the proof. Think of the revenue. Think of the cut back on pollution because less cars would enter the city. Think of the efficiency which has yet to be addressed. The latest proposed taxes to people not living in the city makes the most amount of sense. New Yorkers never seem to get the break, tourists do. Your live out of Manhattan then you pay to get in. The only exceptions should be Brooklyn and Queens. Why not a NY MTA pass for less? A workers pass a little more and a out of towner pass raise the rates. It's time New York citizens got what they pay taxes for and that is a F.A.C.T.

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