Wednesday, March 18, 2009

C: Is for celebrity fopa

The Prince & Princess of Asturias (Spain) arrived in New York, Sunday for a three day good will mission. Incredibly charismatic and charming they are the perfect diplomats for their country. Along with the Spanish Industry Minister, Miguel Sabastian Gascon, they hope to present a 20 million euro 'Made in Spain' initiative. "Spain is a country where ingenuity and effort have given rise to ideas and companies that lead the world', said Sebastián in his presentation where he was accompanied by the Prince and Princess of Asturias and representatives of over a hundred Spanish companies with a presence in the US. The plan includes development of alternative energy sources (wind farms and solar energy in particular), infrastructure construction and management, high speed rail links, water treatment and desalination and the application of new technology in the health service and education. Spain has the largest wind farm construction company in the world. This all comes about thanks to the economic stimulus plan from President Obama. It is interesting to note that Sovereign Bank is not American owned, as most people think but Spanish. It is also interesting, that the NAFTA Super Highway that is being built is not by an American company but a Spanish company. I attended a luncheon where the press were invited, who knew if you asked a question and it was answered you could cause an international incident but let me tell you in complete innocence you can. I wouldn't of asked the question had there been press kits or anything in english. If you want to present good will you should have your PR representatives a little more gracious, much like the Prince and Princess. And that is a royal F.A.C.T.

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