Friday, January 16, 2009

S: Is for up-holding your statements

The following is part of a transcript from a speech offering hope. I will tell you at the end by whom:

It is a pleasure to be with you, among people transforming this city with good will and good works. People on the front lines of community renewal should work together. And government should take your side. I've carried one message. Our country must be prosperous. But prosperity must have a purpose. The purpose of prosperity is to make sure the American dream touches every willing heart. The purpose of prosperity is to leave no one out--to leave no one behind. We are a wealthy nation. But we must also be rich in ideals-- rich in justice and compassion and family love and moral courage. I am an economic conservative. The reality here is simple. Often when a life is broken, it can only be rebuilt by another caring, concerned human being. Someone whose actions say, "I love you, I believe in you, I'm in your corner." This is compassion with a human face and a human voice. It is not an isolated act -- it is a personal relationship. And it works. in solving the problems of our day, there is no substitute for unconditional love and personal contact. Real change in our culture comes from the bottom up, not the top down. It gathers the momentum of a million committed hearts. So today I want to propose a different role for government. A fresh start. A bold new approach. In my administration we will make a determined attack on need, by promoting the compassionate acts of others. We will rally the armies of compassion in our communities to fight a very different war against poverty and hopelessness, a daily battle waged house to house and heart by heart. This will not be the failed compassion of towering, distant bureaucracies. On the contrary, it will be government that serves those who are serving their neighbors. It will be government that directs help to the inspired and the effective. It will be government that both knows its limits, and shows its heart. And it will be government truly by the people and for the people. Self-control and character and goal-setting give direction and dignity to all our lives. We must renew these values to restore our country. So today I am announcing a series of proposals. And they are guided by some basic principles. Resources should be devolved, not just to states, but to charities and neighborhood healers. We will strengthen Social Security and Medicare. We will fortify the military. We will cut taxes in a way that creates high-paying jobs. Yet there is another priority. In my first year in office, we will dedicate about $8 billion-- an amount equal to 10 percent of the non-Social Security surplus--to provide new tax incentives for giving, and to support charities and other private institutions that save and change lives. We will prove, in word and deed, that our prosperity has a purpose. As Americans, this is our creed and our calling. We stumble and splinter when we forget that goal. We unite and prosper when we remember it. No great calling is ever easy, and no work of man is ever perfect. But we can, in our imperfect way, rise now and again to the example of St. Francis, where there is hatred, sowing love; where there is darkness, shedding light; where there is despair, bringing hope.

This was spoken by our exiting President Bush July 22, 1999. Let us hope that incumbent President Obama does more than just inspire but upholds his words. The pop artist best known for his LOVE word sculpture has created a installation that spells HOPE — in celebration of Barack Obama's message of hope. Artist Robert Indiana's HOPE was unveiled Thursday at Jim Kempner Fine Art, a Manhattan gallery. Indiana's publicist says the artist raised more than $1 million for the Obama campaign by creating HOPE prints, posters, T-shirts and other memorabilia. The 6-foot stainless steel sculpture was shown privately during the Democratic National Convention in Denver last August and now they are deciding where it should permanently resides. Hope inspires and that is a F.A.C.T.

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