Friday, January 30, 2009

S: Is for Good Samaritans

Acts of kindness and generosity come in many different forms: Giving food to a hungry stranger, donating one's time to aid homeless people or helping a fellow tenant make the rent. But it's their ability to touch us and stick in our memories that makes sometimes even small gestures a powerful and lasting force in our lives. Sometimes it is the acts of kindness done by children that touch us all. Four-year-old Justin Dingman took the hand of a frightened fellow pre-schooler, serving as the welcoming committee on the boy's first day at school. Liadan Susoeff, 7, took books to a shelter in Pittsburgh at holiday time and read to the children there. Eight-year-old Luke O'Neill took one of his own coats to school so a less fortunate classmate could go outside at recess.

Dreamweavers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that engages in acts of kindness to individuals who have a need or a wish they cannot afford. They fulfill those needs and wishes anonymously. They engage in anonymous acts of kindness by 'paying it forward' to someone new. Paying it forward means that you do not pay 'back' the person who made you a gift but you pay it 'forward' to someone new. If this is a new concept to you, I recommend you rent the video 'Pay it Forward.' You'll be glad you did.
To learn about Dreamweavers log onto

Sometimes it is the smallest gestures that help people the most and that is a FA.C.T.

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