Thursday, November 13, 2008

T: Is for Tell Her To Go Away!

With Obama as our newly elected President and the way he is taking charge, I wasn't sure what I wanted to write. Things looked as if they were slowly righting themselves and then I saw a CNN article and I knew what I had to say. Somebody, anybody, please make Sarah Palin go away. I was hoping after the election she would be off the front page until after it was proven that Trig Palin, could be her daughter Bristol's, in which case I could say "see I told you so!" Just when I think she can not stoop any lower an article came out on CNN that I have to comment on. First she states she should of done more interviews. Ms. Palin do you not realize the 79% of women voted you off. We don't like you. The magazines tried to say we were jealous of you. Were not jealous. How could we be, when you are so uneducated? I state this because you don't even get that if you taught your daughter about sex education you would not be a grandmother. You state "you would be honored to help out Obama and his new administration -- even though he did hang around with an "unrepentant domestic terrorist." First of all he is President elect Obama. 2nd do your homework. How can you make such statements without proof. This is slander. Why is nobody bringing her up on charges and why is she being allowed to continue this tirade? You claim you can help him with energy and services for special-needs children. Why did you not do this as Governor or Mayor. I did do my homework and you took money away from disabled families until Trig was born, just like you charged women for rape kits. Are we suppose to believe because a disabled child was born into your household you had a change of heart? As for energy maybe you need to take a class from Al Gore. A new poll suggests that just less than half of all Americans have a favorable view of Palin and they are dropping more as each day goes by. Have you given back the clothing? You were wearing it still in Alaska upon your return.

I don't want to be irritated by Ms. Palin anymore. When John McCain pick her she was an obscure Governor, way can't she go back to where she came from, back to oblivion. We need to move forward as a country. Ms Palin, you were not even allowed to make a concession speech because your running mate wanted to bow out with grace and knew you could not. Maybe you should let that show you the F.A.C.T.S.

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