Thursday, August 14, 2008

T: Is for a President bent on Total Destruction!

The election can not come soon enough and it seems before he is through "President Bush" will also endanger the animal kingdom as well. In the news the Bush administration wants to abolish the Endangered Species Act. It seems as if Mr. Bush is trying to emulate Nigel Hawthorn"s performance in "The Madness of King George". Under the newest policy federal agencies will decide whether highways, dams, mines and other construction projects might harm endangered animals and plants. Like most of what Bush has been doing this would not require the approval of Congress and would reduce the mandatory, independent reviews governmental scientists have been performing for 35 years. If approved, the changes would be the biggest overhaul of the Endangered Species Act since 1986. This accomplishes what Republicans have been unable to achieve in Congress. If adopted, these changes would seriously weaken the safety net of habitat protections that has been relied upon to protect and recover endangered fish, wildlife and plants.

When I was little the animals that I got to see first hand at the zoo, are now dying out. How many of you have seen a Gazelle, Gorilla, Rhino, Orangutang, Hippo, Polar Bear, Wallaby or a Tiger? Can you imagine your children never seeing them or understanding the roles they have played? Right now all of the animals I have named are either extinct or, are soon to be.

Extinction is a natural feature of evolution. Since life began, about 99 percent of the earth's species have disappeared and huge numbers have died out in a relatively short time. The most recent of these mass extinctions, about 65 million years ago, swept away the dinosaurs and many other forms of life. However, despite such catastrophes, the total number of living species has, until recently, followed a generally upward trend. Today, the extinction rate is increasing rapidly as a result of human interference in natural ecosystems. Primates, tropical birds, and many amphibians are not only threatened but may soon cease to exist.

Mr. Bush under your Presidency you have ruined the economy, lied to get us into war, lied to suit your own agenda (North American Union), have recently used your Executive Order to lift the ban on offshore drilling to suit your own needs and now the animals. What's left for you to do? At this point you will go down as a destructive force and that is most definitely a F.A.C.T.

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