Friday, August 29, 2008

S: Is for Solutions!

Don't give up so easily on your dreams. Persist and your dreams will become a reality. The key is to be able to visualise and see your dreams before you actually attain them. Some people call it "The Secret" but I think it's not really a secret it's about connecting your physical self and where you are going with the future and where you want to go and visualising yourself already achieving your goal.

Negative energy is felt in the following ways: tiredness, moodiness, snappiness and disregarding people's opinion, addictive behaviors, lack of motivation to achieve. You undermine yourself when immersed in this energy field.

Positive energy effects you with the results leading to: increased energy, confidence, happiness despite one's circumstances, less anxious, not easily annoyed from the little things.

I want you to consider today how much more successful you could be in your life and business. Ask yourself the following questions. What has upset you lately? Who has affected your moods through their actions or words lately? What situations have come into your life that try your patience?
How do you react when you have a trial that is challenging you? Do you give in or do you resign yourself to the fact that you can't achieve success or overcome this problem? Think about these things and pay attention to your energy on a day to day basis. Are you letting people or circumstances weigh you down and affect you? Have you got physical ailments that are always bugging you? Consider some self-reflection, some quiet time and spending some time in reconnecting with who you are and where you are going in life. Make sure that where you are going is some where positive and some where where you want to go. Don't let other people drag you along and make you fit in with their plans for your life. Don't let people drain your energy by projecting their negative thoughts and attitudes onto you. You are a unique individual and you deserve to have your own plans and ideas about things and you are very capable of achieving your goals.

I just want to leave you with an image which may give you some inspiration today. Have a great day and remember to keep smiling. It takes more muscles to frown then it does to smile and plus it looks better.

We live in trying times but there are solutions and that is a F.A.C.T.

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