Wednesday, July 16, 2008

C: Is for Creations that ease the Stress!

When I was young, on Christmas, the best part was always our stockings. Inside was packets of bath salts in luscious flavors such as melon, lavender and gardenia. I could hardly wait till the present unwrapping was done to sink into a bath full of delicious scent and luxury. Since that time I have been on a search for the next step into this sensual world of bath therapy. While I was at "Girls Night Out" I discovered Miss Bath. These delightful creations are shaped like scrumptious deserts and oversized bath balls. One toss into the water and they fizz with delight. It's like a trip to the spa with clubs soda pored all over you as you are pampered for pennies. These handcrafted delights come in two formats, sweet desserts for your hands and feet called, footies. Its like being a kid in a candy store, so many colors, so many choices, what fun!!! You will be ooohing and, aaaaing as you smell the rich scented footies. Inhale deeply and relax, it’s your time now!!!

The Bath Ball Fizzlers are over-sized and will transform a simple bath into a moisture rich soda-pop treat for your entire body.
With Ingredients like Dead Sea Salt adding magnesium for combating stress, slowing skin aging, and calming the nervous system. Calcium for strengthening bones and nails. Potassium for energizing the body and helping to balance skin moisture, and bromides to ease muscle stiffness. Epsom Salt to enhance and gently exfoliates and smoothes rough patches. Soybean Oil: to add antioxidant properties. Sesame Seed Oil to penetrate the skin easily. Jojoba Oil to fight bacterial and fungal infections. Avocado Oil for anti-wrinkle, Sweet Almond Oil to soften and re-condition the skin and finally Macadamia Nut Oil to regenerative. After this bath not only will you feel healed but you will be inspired by a passion for playfulness and whimsy. The result is a fantasy to create a playground for the little kid in all of us.

To find out more or buy some for your own, go online to or contact Hanna Atar at

When your life gets stressful, isn't it wonderful that Miss Bath serves up such a treat and that is a refreshing F.A.C.T.

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